Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-17 of 17 results
English-Dhivehi and Dhivehi-English Dictionary
F. Abdulla and M. O'Shea |
A guide to the language of Maldives. Version 1.0, September 2005.
Child Welfare Terms, English to Spanish
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
In the interest of better serving the needs of Spanish-speaking families and professionals who work with them, Child Welfare Information Gateway developed this glossary to ensure consistency and cultural relevance in our publications. By making this document available to others, we hope to support other organizations that are also striving to impro... View more
Curiosity Media 2008 |
Founded in 1999, SpanishDict is a leading online Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and language learning website. A family-run operation, SpanishDict aims to provide the highest quality Spanish educational materials available anywhere. Our site seeks not only to develop rock-solid resources for learning Spanish, we also hope to cultivate a f... View more
Family Planning Glossary
Family Health International |
Glossary of reproductive health terms in English, Spanish, and French. The glossary was produced out of a need to standardize translations.
Online Music Glossary |
Music, like any subject, has its own terminology. The many terms that musicians use to describe music can seem daunting at first.
This glossary will introduce you to the terms that are used most often to talk about music. All the terms are clearly defined and linked to other related terms. In many cases you will be able to listen to an example... View more
Un glossaire anglais<>français concocté par des passionés de la mécanique.
Legal English
Prof. Matthew Holway ( |
Teaching legal English at the University, I've more or less been forced to write my own legal English lexicon for the Italian students - as the dictionaries are frequently off the mark, hard to understand, or simply too big and bulky to be of any practical use. The terminology frequently hard to grasp for foreign (non English) students are describe... View more
Kamus Keuangan
Safir Senduk |
The glossary contains terms used in daily household financial planning, i.e. planning at family level (in contrast with corporate or state level).
Compiled by Safir Senduk, a prominent trainer for family financial planning.
Terms commonly found in French Canadian geneological records, with some brief explanations or historical/cultural notes, and English equivalents listed.
فرنسي متوسط (كا.1400-1600)
Comprehensive dictionary of musical terms and names from many languages.
Includes musical terms entered from various languages - mostly European; all explanations are in English. Enriched with notations and charts, apart from etymological and historical background of the terms used.
"dolmetsch online"
The Dolmetsch family has dev... View more
Facial Reconstruction--Glossary
National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction |
Facial Reconstruction--Glossary
Latin-German/German-German dictionary of Latin genealogical terms encountered in old documents, incl. German equivalents,plus definitions of obsolete German terms
الجرمانيّة العليا والمتوسّطة (حوالي 1050-1500)
Glossary of terms related to family history, originally compiled for a study on Gambatesa.
Glossary of Family Law terms
Alaska Court System |
family law glossary
Il sito fornisce il nome comune, latino, e la famiglia di molte piante. Accanto al nome italiano è scritto il nome inglese corrispondente
Slovene - English dictionary of some medical expressions
Zdru�enje zdravnikov dru�inske medicine Slovenije |
This link contains some simple medical expressions.
Latin genealogical word list with English translations