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The Software Comparison Tool is for assessing and comparing software tools that translators use.

Getting Started

Simply click on the "Categories" button and select a category of translation software you would like to view From the categories overview page users can select any tool to review more information, submit a review, see and vote on other reviews, watch videos and more. To compare software start by selecting one software product, then select the "compare" option and select up to five products to compare OR from the home screen select "compare" and then select the products you wish to compare. Only products within the same category may be compared.

Software data

The data for each tool is entered by a site admin, or a representative for the owner of the tool.


Each tool has a section where registered users may enter a review. All of these reviews are subject to vetting by site staff or moderators (most things on the site of this nature are). Tool owners do NOT have the ability to vet or unvet any review.

Comparing tools

An important feature is the ability to compare tools side-by-side. This allows translators to easily view the differences in system requirements, file formats, software limitations, and more.