Rate per word €0.08 EUR
My usual topics are of a more technical nature but then I wanted to try my hand at thrillers/novels which worked out very well. Taking the characters' view and weighing every word, every nuance, was interesting and fun.
By now I have translated these books:
Love Target by Heidi Loeb Hegerich (novel)
Jump Cut (German title: Bildsprung) by Libby Fischer Hellmann (thriller)
as well as four shorter novels which are not yet in print.
By now I have translated these books:
Love Target by Heidi Loeb Hegerich (novel)
Jump Cut (German title: Bildsprung) by Libby Fischer Hellmann (thriller)
as well as four shorter novels which are not yet in print.
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Specializing in:
- علم الميكانيك \ الهندسة الميكانيكية
- المواد: البلاستيك، الخزف، إلخ
- التصنيع
- القانون: العقود
- النقل \ وسائط النقل \ الشحن
- الشعر والأدب
- الأعمال\التجارة عموما
- الهندسة عموماً
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