Working languages:
Hungarian to English
French to English

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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)Science (general)
BotanyEducation / Pedagogy

Hungarian to English - Rates: 25.00 - 30.00 HUF per word
French to English - Rates: 25.00 - 30.00 HUF per word

KudoZ activity (PRO) Questions answered: 2
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 1
Hungarian to English: excerpt from a book about the history of the Department of Biology (SZTE)
General field: Science
Source text - Hungarian
Kolosváry Gábor (1958-tól akadémiai doktor, 1960-
tól az Akadémia levelező tagja) széles körű munkássága
felölelte az állatrendszertant, állatföldrajzot, ökológiát,
őslénytant, állatlélektant, tengerbiológiát. Kiemelten
foglalkozott a pókok rendszertanával, a makkférgek-
kel és a korallokkal. 1955-ben megszervezte a Tisza-
kutató Munkaközösséget.
Megyeri János docens, később a Juhász Gyula Ta-
nárképző Főiskola Biológiai Tanszékének vezetője a
származástant is oktatta, s főként hidrobiológiával
Móczár László egyetemi tanár kutatásai (1960-ban
akadémiai doktor) a rovartanra (entomológia), illetve
a hártyásszárnyúak rendszertani, faunisztikai, állat-
földrajzi, etológiai és cönológiai vizsgálatára terjedtek
ki. Számos könyv szerzője, a rovarok fényképezésének
kiváló mestere.
Stammer Aranka docens a halak kopoltyú- és
anyagcsereszerveinek vízszennyeződés hatására bekö-
vetkezett változásainak szubmikroszkópos szerkezetét,
a szem idegszövettani vizsgálatát végezte.
Benedeczky István egyetemi tanár (1981-től akadé-
miai doktor) kutatási területei a következők voltak:
neuroendokrinológia, a mellékvese velőállományának
vizsgálata, onkológia, sejttan, neurobiológia, halpato-
Translation - English
Gábor Kolosváry (Academic Doctor from 1958, corresponding member of the Academy from 1960) studied a wide range of topics, including animal taxonomy, zoogeography, ecology, paleontology, ethology and marine biology. In particular, he was interested in the taxonomy of spiders, acorn worms and corals. In 1955, he organized the Tisza Research Association.

Associate Professor János Megyeri, who was later the chair of the Biology Department at Gyula Juhász Teacher's College, taught geneology and was primarily interested in hydrobiology.

Professor László Móczár (Academic Doctor in 1960) carried out studies in entomology, particularly the taxonomy, faunistics, zoogeography, ethology and associations in Hymenoptera. He is the author of many books and a master insect photographer.

Associate Professor Aranka Stammer studied the sub-microscopic structural changes to fish gills and metabolic organs as a result of water pollution and neurohistology of the eye.

Professor István Benedeczky (Academic Doctor since 1981) worked in the following research areas: neuroendocrinology, study of the adrenal medulla, oncology, cytology, neurobiology, pathology in fish.

Experience Years of experience: 22. Registered at Sep 2012. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, LibreOffice
I am a native Canadian who has lived in Hungary for the past 15 years. My native language is English, but my primary education occurred in French. I then proceeded to learn the Hungarian language through true immersion.

I recieved a BSc. in Zoology from the University of Alberta, an MSc. in Biotechnology from the University of Szeged and a MSc. in Education from the University of Miskolc.

I have been translating for the past decade, with an emphasis on scientific writing. I also proof-read scientific articles in preparation for publication. In addition to my qualifications in biological fields, I am interested in cooking, music and literature and enjoy translating those topics as well. My translations have been published in books, journals and websites.

I am committed to providing all my clients with timely and accurate translations or corrections. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Keywords: Hungarian, English, science, biology, cooking

Profile last updated
Sep 5, 2012

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