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Search results: (152 matches)
ForumWątekTytułTekstAutor wątkuCzas technical support I do not receive my expected appropriate help from Proz as a paying member! Dear colleagues, I am suffering from not
receiving the expected appropriate technical
assistance from Proz as a paying member! I
received recently several recommendations which
Morano El-Kholy Jun 13, 2018
Medical Should unqualified translators be permitted to translate medical/healthcare documents? Yes, I do... Yes, I think that translators with good experience
can be permitted to translate medical/healthcare
documents. Otherwise, lawsuit cases will be only
translated by the lawyers! Novels/Drama
Morano El-Kholy Jun 5, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: In general, how long between submitting your quote on a job and the start of work on that job? Yes, it may take ages to receive a possible response! Definitely, I agree with Teresa Borges. You can
not tell when this will occur! Surely, it's your
luck :)
Morano El-Kholy May 14, 2018
Scams Fake messages are sent from under my name with reference to a fake domain Report to Proz staff. Dear Valery, I do not know if you have already
reported this issue to Proz staff or not. But,
I think that you should do. My regards :)
Morano El-Kholy May 7, 2018
Arabic How much words in an Arabic page ? Be honest to the client.... Fair to yourself. Dear sister, Be honest with your client and
explain to him all this dilemma. Stick to your
mentioned average and be fair to yourself. If
this work is meant to be yours, you will sure
Morano El-Kholy May 6, 2018
Arabic How much words in an Arabic page ? It varies....
_word_vs_per_page_1800_with_spaces.html *********
************** والله أعلم
Morano El-Kholy May 5, 2018
Translation Theory and Practice This trend of agencies deciding which tools the freelancer should use... Not only me! [QUOTE]Janet Ross Snyder wrote: Not a fan of
CAT tools I do not accept jobs that require
the use of CAT tools. Almost all my source
documents are dead text pdfs and I translate the
Morano El-Kholy Apr 27, 2018
Office applications Excel file, different languages not in columns, but in rows. How to count/remove one language? A suggestion. Can you just copy & paste this Dutch source into
another Excel file? Then you can easily count your
source words? Hoping to find better solutions
among our dear colleagues.
Morano El-Kholy Apr 23, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of these professions do you think has the most parallels with translation? Crime scene investigator..... Yes, according to our daily researches among
various online articles/links/news/blogs. I think
we are closer to the works done by the crime scene
investigator! We are spending our life
Morano El-Kholy Apr 23, 2018
Scams Two new thieves: Dave GRAHAM and Thom WEST Yes, I've tried this link, but it did not work! [QUOTE]Teresa Borges wrote: I've just accessed
it, without a problem. Have you tried this
ator-scammers-directory.htm [/QUOTE] Tha
Morano El-Kholy Apr 22, 2018
Scams Two new thieves: Dave GRAHAM and Thom WEST I need to access Translators Scammers Directory. I am trying to access Translators Scammers
Directory but in vain! I am denied access. I
need to report another scammer whom I did a big
project recently but disappeared and did not pay<
Morano El-Kholy Apr 22, 2018
KudoZ Should there be disciplinary action for those who close KudoZ questions without grading? Yes, I think so too..... ! Dear Hossam, [QUOTE]Hossam wrote: Such
people always leave their questions open. I found
somebody leaving more than 400 questions
open![/QUOTE] I am really astonished!
Morano El-Kholy Apr 15, 2018
Legal Law degree but no translation jobs What about editing your Legal specialization under your title in your profile? Dear Pamela, You mentioned that you want to
specialize and to work in the Legal Field......
Wonderful, but I see from your profile that you
have not even mentioned this very important m
Morano El-Kholy Apr 14, 2018
Lighter side of trans/interp Eating people is wrong. Even if they're students. Why do you consider that eating people is wrong?! :) Maybe, they are more delicious and good to health
than ordinary food?! :) :)

[Edited at 2018-03-18 14:44 GMT]
Morano El-Kholy Mar 18, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you publish your rates on your website/online profiles? No, but I used to. No, I do not. I think that it is much better to
include it in our projects' terms as both Neilmac
and Teresa have mentioned.
Morano El-Kholy Mar 17, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever felt your work as a translator was underestimated because of your gender? The same with me..... [QUOTE]Maxi Schwarz wrote: they can't quite
guess my gender based on my name.[/QUOTE] Yes,
the same with me but I used to acknowledge them
when being asked! My reply to this poll
Morano El-Kholy Mar 5, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think freelancers are generally more, or less, socially inept than the rest? More socially inept..... Yes :-)) Yes, I think they are in a way. Morano El-Kholy Mar 3, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you find any linguistic beauty in technical translations? Thanks dear colleagues. Thanks for your nice comment, Angie. Thanks for
the interesting poll suggested by
Susanna. Thanks to all participants. :)

[Edited at 2018-03-01 20:48 GMT]
Morano El-Kholy Mar 1, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you find any linguistic beauty in technical translations? Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. [QUOTE]Susanna Martoni wrote: Legal
translations, to me, is a beautiful
world.[/QUOTE] and [QUOTE]Angie Garbarino
wrote: The legal register is wonderful for me,
I really l
Morano El-Kholy Mar 1, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you find any linguistic beauty in technical translations? Yes, I do. My question is: Do you find any linguistic beauty
in legal translations? :)
Morano El-Kholy Mar 1, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever found errors in a translation after delivering it? It seems that most of us "translators": TRY NOT TO LOOK :-) Me too! [QUOTE]Muriel Vasconcellos wrote: I
try not to look![/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Konbaz
wrote: I try not to look too.[/QUOTE] But,
[QUOTE]Mario Chavez wrote: I'm too
Morano El-Kholy Dec 24, 2017 job systems Reply to "[ mail]" offers without disclosing email address Agree with you... Yes, me too. I'd like to have this option. Several
times, I wished to have this vital option mainly
for the same reasons as detailed by Mirko.
Morano El-Kholy Dec 22, 2017
KudoZ Your opinion? A certain KudoZ asker always awards points to the same answerer. A great frustration.... ! I think that will definitely cause a great
frustration to all other participants....! Not a
favorable status though!
Morano El-Kholy Dec 14, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: I see myself as a freelance translator for: I don't know. You never can tell! Maybe now, tomorrow or next
Morano El-Kholy Nov 23, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of these traits is most important to a good translator/interpreter? Yes, Persistence. Agree with Muriel,.... Persistence or Perseverance
Morano El-Kholy Nov 9, 2017
Subtitling QC in Backlot What is Backlot? Dear CaterinaSc, I do not know this term too. I
have searched through the web and that's what I
found: ******************************************
Morano El-Kholy Nov 2, 2017
Getting established How do you deal with the periods without jobs? Happens all the time.... :) [QUOTE]Laura Kingdon wrote: It's almost
guaranteed that the morning I leave will be the
morning my inbox is packed.[/QUOTE] Yes, It
just happens all the time .....
Morano El-Kholy Oct 14, 2017
Money matters How I can get order from big company or clients? Yes, "all that glitters is not gold" [QUOTE]Michael Newton wrote: "all that glitters
is not gold", all that pretends to be big, is not
really big.[/QUOTE] Agree with both Michael and
Joohee. Yes, search the BB and stick
Morano El-Kholy Sep 27, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Which CAT tool do you use the most? None.... [QUOTE]Teresa wrote: None As I said x
times before...[/QUOTE] Yes, like Teresa... I
use none of them!
Morano El-Kholy Aug 31, 2017
Honors / Citations Let me be the first to congratulate Sheila Wilson CONGRATULATIONS ..... :) Dear Sheila, Congratulations. You are a very
nice and helpful colleague. Thank you.
Morano El-Kholy Aug 24, 2017
Money matters Incentives for staying with I share with you the same opinion! Dear Bernhard, Honestly speaking, I have the
same opinion/feelings about my paid
membership! I spend a lot of time every year
trying to persuade myself that it's worth it!
Morano El-Kholy Jul 31, 2017 directory Why don't I show up in a directory search? Oh.. that's the reason. Thank you Beatriz Ramírez de Haro. I really
appreciate both your concern and your prompt
reply. Kind regards.
Morano El-Kholy Jul 26, 2017 directory Why don't I show up in a directory search? Excuse me for asking this question..... Excuse me dear colleagues for asking this
question: I am a translator. I am a paying member.
I need to know why I do not show up in the first
page? I actually appear on the third page of t
Morano El-Kholy Jul 25, 2017 Translator Coop The new ProZ menu I do not like the "new Proz menu" too :) [QUOTE]Jack wrote: So I’ll sign off
as Dinosaur Doughty.[/QUOTE] Ha.. Ha.. Agree
with you Jack, I also do not like this "new Proz
menu". This makes me another "Dinosaur"
Morano El-Kholy Jul 19, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: How long after sending a price quote do you follow up on it? I do not follow up! [QUOTE]Agneta wrote: I don't follow up price
quotes either - the silence from the other end
equals a negative.[/QUOTE] That's true. You can
not spend your life chasing clients :)
Morano El-Kholy Jul 19, 2017
Getting established How many pages to translate a day? No, You had to be "Superman"! Dear TariqSh, Of course, this is abnormal!
[QUOTE] TariqSh wrote: Also note that
sometimes I am forced to do 23 pages in 9
hours.[/QUOTE] Oh, you had to be "Superman" to
Morano El-Kholy Jul 19, 2017
Business issues What to do when you loose a big client Welcome, any time. [QUOTE]Virginie Proisy wrote: Morano, You
are a great guy, God bless
you![/QUOTE] Welcome, my dear sister. PS. I
am not a guy. I am a lady :)

[Edited at
Morano El-Kholy Jul 4, 2017
Business issues What to do when you loose a big client Try to cheer up :) Dear Virginie, I know that you are now feeling
a lot of pain and that no words however can makeup
for your panic. But, I want to assure you that
loosing a (big) client though it rep
Morano El-Kholy Jul 4, 2017
Arabic هل هذا عرض عمل طبيعي/مقبول؟ شكرًا جزيلاً على المشاركة بالرد أشكرك جدًا أ. راندا فرحات
على مشاركتك بالرد فأنتٍ
قيمة كبيرة وأنا أعتز وأقدر
إسهاماتك في الترجمة
Morano El-Kholy Jun 26, 2017
Arabic هل هذا عرض عمل طبيعي/مقبول؟ فعلاً .. حتى جوجل لن يستطيع :) شكرًا جزيلاً أ. مراد عوض على
التعليق القيم صحيح... حتى
جوجل ترانسليت لن يتمكن من
ترجمة كل هذه الكمية في �
Morano El-Kholy Jun 19, 2017
Arabic هل هذا عرض عمل طبيعي/مقبول؟ جوجل ترانسليت :) أخي الفاضل/ عبد الله حسن ....
والله عندك حق .. مفيش غير
جوجل ترانسليت السعر
المعروض أيضا مغري جدًا ده
Morano El-Kholy Jun 19, 2017
Arabic هل هذا عرض عمل طبيعي/مقبول؟ السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
وبركاته قرأت اليوم عرض
عمل موجود على موقع بروز يخص
الترجمة من اللغة
Morano El-Kholy Jun 19, 2017
Arabic تحذير من محتال ترجمة شكرَا جزيلاً.... والحمد لله كثيرًا الأستاذ الفاضل/ لطفي عبد
الحليم تحية طيبة شكرًا
جزيلاً على التنبيه... لقد
راسلني هذا الشخص قبل ذلك
Morano El-Kholy May 16, 2017
Arabic من هو وكيل بروز في مصر؟ الاشتراك بالجنيه المصري أخي الكريم السلام عليكم
ورحمة الله وبركاته هذا هو
رابط الاشتراك بالعملة
المحلية في
Morano El-Kholy May 9, 2017
Subtitling Netflix Hermes test I have to apologize.... I think that I have to apologize for my previous
comment because I have just found the link in one
of my messages sent to me on 24th March and which
was hidden among several unread
Morano El-Kholy Apr 7, 2017
Subtitling Netflix Hermes test Still waiting for the test link.....! I am still waiting since 24th March for the test
link to be sent to my mobile phone! :) I have
not done any test yet! I sent them a support
email today, hoping that there will be a
Morano El-Kholy Apr 7, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: In how many CAT tools are you proficient? None.... Here I join all who chose "None" as their
practical choice :)
Morano El-Kholy Apr 3, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: If you had to compare translation, to which of these activities would it come closest? Swinging between "detective work" and "construction"! I finally chose "detective work". Yes, as
Muriel said: [QUOTE]Detective work. Says it
Morano El-Kholy Apr 2, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever submitted a quick poll? Yes, twice. I have submitted lots of polls but two of them
were featured :)
Morano El-Kholy Mar 30, 2017 profile help MY old positive entry/recommendation in my WWA from the same client was deleted! Thank you. Thank you Maria for your prompt reply. Appreciated
it. This is a logical clarification. Now,
everything is clear and crystal :) Thank
you jyuan_us for your nice comment.
Morano El-Kholy Mar 17, 2017

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