| الموضوع | الناشر ردود (المشاهدات) الطروحات الأخيرة |
| Wordfast Pro TM didn't take any newly translated segment | 1 (1,292) |
| Security Essentials detects Wordfast Classic as virus/Trojan | 0 (1,624) |
| Wordfast anywhere - can't create translated clean document | 3 (1,361) |
| WF and PPT issue | 10 (2,810) |
| File Conversion problems with Wordfast Pro and Target Language problems with Wordfast Pro & Anywhere | 8 (2,290) |
| Installing WFP Plustools template on MS Office 2007 | 1 (1,124) |
| WFC: 100% matches seen as fuzzy | 4 (1,632) |
| Numbers in Wordfast Pro - switch off suggestions from TM? | 0 (855) |
| Document analysis ( 1... 2) | 15 (6,288) |
| Proof TTX files on Wordfast Pro | 2 (1,080) |
| slow running wordfast classic 6.14 beta on Word for mac 2011 | 0 (974) |
| Word count | 3 (2,728) |
| Error while checking for new version, WFP 3.1.4 | 8 (2,504) |
| WF PRO, can't save translated .docx file (error) | 5 (4,754) |
| WFP License Issues | 2 (1,558) |
| TU unsaved for segment (xx) | 1 (1,226) |
| Removing bookmark 0 / Error 5825 | 5 (2,753) |
| WFP 3.4.0 - xlf cleanup error | 2 (1,507) |
| Wordfast Pro for Mac: won't open without an Internet connection | 7 (3,231) |
| Wordfast score question | 2 (1,445) |
| Create a TM from a translation already done | 1 (958) |
| Modify TXML Language pair after starting translation | 3 (1,379) |
| Wordfast pro java.io.IOException error | 1 (1,678) |
| Wordfast User Conference? | 0 (1,119) |
| WFC 6.07x: Must close or hide topmost modal form first | 2 (1,263) |
| Toolbar has disappeared in Wordfast Pro | 2 (2,235) |
| WF - How to set up "empty target segment" with MT switched on | 2 (1,076) |
| Avast blocks wordfast - help needed!!! ( 1... 2) | 17 (4,640) |
| Client updated the source file | 3 (1,404) |
| Wordfast FREE Live Online Training Sessions | 0 (1,024) |
| Wordfast keeps changing font of target text | 1 (1,143) |
| How to change file ID in Wordfast | 5 (1,692) |
| Conversion of .tmx MT gives an empty MT under WF | 4 (1,574) |
| Translation segments are too long | 6 (1,671) |
| Can't get rid of TM Lookup window | 2 (1,246) |
| Wordfast Pro discount | 4 (2,176) |
| XML exclude tags | 1 (1,362) |
| WF Pro Demo - Issue with TM for post-editing, empty segments | 1 (998) |
| WF Classic - issue with shortcut Ctrl+Alt+left/right/down | 2 (1,116) |
| Number formatting in WF pro | 8 (2,226) |
| Migrating license from one computer to another | 6 (2,611) |
| Wordfast PRO 3.4.1 - Glossary editing | 9 (5,529) |
| EN-GB in wordfast pro | 1 (983) |
| Intel graphics & Wf classic ctrl+alt+arrow | 0 (918) |
| Wordfast Pro doesn't leverage from the imported TMX | 11 (2,230) |
| Wordfast error | 1 (1,124) |
| Install in NAS server | 2 (1,538) |
| Wordfast classic 6 Word 2013 | 10 (2,469) |
| Batch task: separate word count for multiple files | 3 (1,723) |
| Importing bilingual files to wordfast pro3 | 2 (1,383) |