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 English英语译成Chinese汉语: 7th ProZ.com Translation Contest - Entry #5087
原文文本 - English英语
Winters used to be cold in England. We, my parents especially, spent them watching the wrestling. The wrestling they watched on their black-and-white television sets on Saturday afternoons represented a brief intrusion of life and colour in their otherwise monochrome lives. Their work overalls were faded, the sofa cover—unchanged for years—was faded, their memories of the people they had been before coming to England were fading too. My parents, their whole generation, treadmilled away the best years of their lives toiling in factories for shoddy paypackets. A life of drudgery, of deformed spines, of chronic arthritis, of severed hands. They bit their lips and put up with the pain. They had no option but to. In their minds they tried to switch off—to ignore the slights of co-workers, not to bridle against the glib cackling of foremen, and, in the case of Indian women, not to fret when they were slapped about by their husbands. Put up with the pain, they told themselves, deal with the pain—the shooting pains up the arms, the corroded hip joints, the back seizures from leaning over sewing machines for too many years, the callused knuckles from handwashing clothes, the rheumy knees from scrubbing the kitchen floor with their husbands' used underpants.

When my parents sat down to watch the wrestling on Saturday afternoons, milky cardamon tea in hand, they wanted to be enter­tained, they wanted a laugh. But they also wanted the good guy, just for once, to triumph over the bad guy. They wanted the swaggering, braying bully to get his come-uppance. They prayed for the nice guy, lying there on the canvas, trapped in a double-finger interlock or clutching his kidneys in agony, not to submit. If only he could hold out just a bit longer, bear the pain, last the course. If only he did these things, chances were, wrestling being what it was, that he would triumph. It was only a qualified victory, however. You'd see the winner, exhausted, barely able to wave to the crowd. The triumph was mainly one of survival.
翻译文本 - Chinese汉语


 English英语译成Chinese汉语: Third ProZ.com Translation Contest - Entry #1178
原文文本 - English英语
The problem of being awkward with introductions is not, for many, an “unusual situation.” You may find that you are often uncertain about whether to introduce someone using their first name, last name, or both; about whether to use a qualifier (“this is my friend, ______”); even about whether or not it is in fact your responsibility to introduce two people in a given situation. But all of this is small potatoes compared with the seemingly inevitable mingling nightmare of having to introduce someone whose name you have forgotten.

It’s one thing to forget someone’s name if you’ve met them only once or twice, or if you haven’t seen them in a while. But all too often it’s someone whose name you really should know, and who is going to be insulted to find out you don’t. In other words, a faux pas in the making.

This is absolute agony when it happens, and I’ve watched hundreds of minglers try to deal with different ways, ranging from exuberant apology (“Oh GOD, I’m so sorry, JEEZ, wow, I can’t believe I’ve forgotten your name!”) to throwing up their hands and walking away. But there are better ways to deal with this kind of mental slip. Next time you draw a blank while making introductions, try the following ploy:

Force them to introduce themselves. This is the smoothest and most effective way to handle your memory lapse. When it’s done well, no one will ever suspect you. If you have forgotten one person’s name in the group, turn to that person first and smile. Then turn invitingly to a person whose name you do remember and say, “This is Linden Bond,” turning back casually toward the forgotten person. The person whose name you haven’t mentioned yet will automatically (it’s a reflex) say “Nice to meet you, Linden, I’m Sylvia Cooper,” and usually offer a hand to shake.
翻译文本 - Chinese汉语



English英语译成Chinese汉语: Third ProZ.com Translation Contest second place translation (8 votes):
原文文本 - English英语

The problem of being awkward with introductions is not, for many, an “unusual situation.” You may find that you are often uncertain about whether to introduce someone using their first name, last name, or both; about whether to use a qualifier (“this is my friend, ______”); even about whether or not it is in fact your responsibility to introduce two people in a given situation. But all of this is small potatoes compared with the seemingly inevitable mingling nightmare of having to introduce someone whose name you have forgotten.

It’s one thing to forget someone’s name if you’ve met them only once or twice, or if you haven’t seen them in a while. But all too often it’s someone whose name you really should know, and who is going to be insulted to find out you don’t. In other words, a faux pas in the making.

This is absolute agony when it happens, and I’ve watched hundreds of minglers try to deal with different ways, ranging from exuberant apology (“Oh GOD, I’m so sorry, JEEZ, wow, I can’t believe I’ve forgotten your name!”) to throwing up their hands and walking away. But there are better ways to deal with this kind of mental slip. Next time you draw a blank while making introductions, try the following ploy:

Force them to introduce themselves. This is the smoothest and most effective way to handle your memory lapse. When it’s done well, no one will ever suspect you. If you have forgotten one person’s name in the group, turn to that person first and smile. Then turn invitingly to a person whose name you do remember and say, “This is Linden Bond,” turning back casually toward the forgotten person. The person whose name you haven’t mentioned yet will automatically (it’s a reflex) say “Nice to meet you, Linden, I’m Sylvia Cooper,” and usually offer a hand to shake.
翻译文本 - Chinese汉语

对于许多人来说,在社交介绍场合中遭遇尴尬是常事。你会发现自己经常不能确定在介绍某人时应该使用他们的名还是姓,又或者应该将全名都给用上;不能确定该如何给这个人下定义(例如:“这是我的朋友***”); 甚至不能确定在特定场合下为某两人作介绍是否确实是自己份内的事。然而,所有这些都还只是小儿科,真正的似乎无法避免的社交恶梦是:不得不为一个你已经忘记名字的人作介绍。

如果你跟某人只见过一两次,或者你们已经有一段时间没有见过面,那么忘记此人的名字也无可厚非。但太过常见的是:你忘记了某个你实在应该记得的人的名字,而这个人会因为你不记得他(她)的名字而生气。换句话说 ,这是一种社交过失。

发生这种情况将会使人极为苦恼。我就曾经见过很多人为应付这种情况而花样百出,有人激动地表示歉意(“啊!天哪!真对不起!呀!呃!真不敢相信我竟然忘记了您的名字!”),有人则直接举手投降黯然离开。其实, 我们可以采取更好的办法来处理此类大脑脱节的情况。以后你作社交介绍时如果头脑再出现空白,不妨试一试下面的策略:

让他们互相作自我介绍。这是应对你的记忆过失最自然、最有效的方法。如果操作得当,甚至可以做到滴水不漏。假如你忘记了一群人中某一个人的名字,首先正面转向该人并微笑致意,然后带有邀请意味地转向一个你记得 名字的人,并说:“这位是林登•邦德”,再将身体自然地转回,面向那位你已忘记名字的人。这时那位你还未作介绍的人将主动地(这是本能反应)说:“很高兴认识你,林登,我是西尔维亚•库柏”,并且通常会主动伸手致 礼。
English英语译成Chinese汉语: History of Hard Rock Cafe
Detailed field: 旅游与旅行
原文文本 - English英语

It started with an Eric Clapton guitar (a Fender Lead II, for the gearheads in the audience). The beginning of something that nobody even knew was beginning.

It was just a goof. A laugh. A joke among friends.

Back in the seventies, Clapton - the original guitar god, founder of Cream and Derek & the Dominoes, creator of the immortal "Layla" - liked to eat at this quirky American diner in London called the Hard Rock Cafe. The place was this funky old building that used to be a Rolls Royce dealership, and it was run by a couple of young Americans who liked to keep it loose. Founded by Isaac Tigrett and Peter Morton, two enterprising and music-loving Americans, Hard Rock Cafe was an instant classic. You could be yourself at the Hard Rock. It was good food and a good time.

So Clapton got to be friends with the proprietors and asked them to save him a regular table, put up a brass plaque or something. And the young proprietors said, “Why don't we put up your guitar?” They all had a chuckle, and he handed over a guitar, and they slapped it on the wall.

No one thought much more about it. Until a week later, when another guitar arrived (a Gibson Les Paul, by the way). With it was a note from Pete Townshend of The Who which read: "Mine's as good as his. Love, Pete."

The young proprietors put it on the wall. After that, the guitars never stopped coming. Today there are more than 70,000 guitars, drums, pianos, harmonicas, microphones, shirts, pants, scarves, shoes, handwritten lyrics, cars, bikes, a bus and assorted rock memorabilia - by far, the largest, most valuable such collection in the world - on the walls of over 138 Hard Rock Cafes, Hotels and Casinos in 42 countries around the world.

But it all started with the one.
翻译文本 - Chinese汉语

始于埃里克•克莱普顿的一把吉它(致读者中的器材发烧友:这是一把Fender Lead II)。事情甚至是在没有人意识到的情况下发生的。


早在二十世纪七十年代时,原音吉它之神克莱普顿喜欢到伦敦这家名为硬石的风格迥异的美式餐厅里用餐;克莱普顿是“奶油(Cream)”乐队和“德里克与多米诺(Derek & the Dominoes)”乐队的创建者、不朽的“蕾拉(Layla)”的创作者。这是一座别致的老房子,原是一家劳斯莱斯车销售店铺。餐厅由两位年轻的美国人经营,他们喜欢使其具有一种悠闲自在的氛围。硬石餐厅由艾萨克•帝格瑞特和彼特•摩顿这两位颇具胆识并热爱音乐的美国人所创立,其创立之后即成为经典。在硬石餐厅,你可以真正做回你自己。在这里,有美味佳肴和欢乐时光!


大家对这件事都没有多想。直到一个星期以后,又有一把吉它被送来了(顺带说一下,这是一把Gibson Les Paul)。随之而来的是“谁(The Who)”乐队的彼特•汤申德的一张纸条,上面写着:“咱的吉它跟他的一样好!爱你们的:彼特”。


English英语译成Chinese汉语: Terms and Conditions
Detailed field: 法律:合同
原文文本 - English英语
Terms and Conditions

1. All participants in the group have to be over 18 years old. Otherwise, if a minor under the age of 18 joins a wine tour, he/she will have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian who will sign these Terms & Conditions on his/her behalf becoming responsible for that minor´s actions and safety.

2. To reserve your place, a 30% deposit is required over the total price of the tour. Upon receipt, we will send you a confirmation notice along with a Reservation Form. The tour price, less the deposit, must be paid at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the tour (in the case of tours longer that 1 day) and 15 days in advance for one day excursions, otherwise, it will be considered as cancelled.

3. Cancellations of a tour must be notified, in writing, one month in advance to the commencement of the tour in order to be refunded fully (less 60 Euro Administration fee). Viavinum will send a confirmation of this cancellation after receiving the notification. If the cancellation of a long tour (tours of more than one day) is done between 30 to 15 days prior to the start of the wine tour, you will be reimbursed with 75% of the total price of the tour (previously charged with 60 euros Administration Fee); if this cancellation has been made after 15 days of the beginning of the wine tour, then no reimbursement will be made.
In the case of the one day excursions, you must communicate the cancellation with a minimum of 7 days prior to the beginning of the tour in order to be reimbursed the total amount of the price of the tour less 60 euros of Administration Fee. Following this date, no reimbursement will be made.

No shows, those who are not present at the hour of departure, will not be reimbursed any amount.

We recommend that you contract a trip cancellation insurance to prevent any circumstance. Viavinum offers this service.

4. Viavinum has acquired travel assistance insurance for your benefit. Nevertheless, we require that you have your own medical insurance (with foreign coverage) before starting the wine tour. Please note that our insurance does not have unlimited medical coverage, therefore we recommend that you purchase a medical insurance plan with coverage in Spain. Viavinum is not responsible for the medical non assistance of its customers.

5. Viavinum is responsible solely for coordinating tour-related services and goods that are included within each itinerary. Any circumstance or event outside the reasonable control of Viavinum (e.g. strikes, closure of airports or seaports, natural weather conditions, acts of third parties, etc.) will not be the responsibility of the agency. In case a wine tour has been paid already, any refund will be subject to deduction of reasonable expenses.

6. The programmed tours require a minimum number of people in the group. Viavinum reserves the right to cancel a tour if the number of people signed up for a given wine tour is insufficient to operate that tour. Viavinum will notify you in advance for your own convenience. The notification period for tours of more than 1 day is 10 days in advance.

In the event that the organising agency (Viavinum) cancels a trip due to having an insufficient number of people, the client will always have the right to the reimbursement of the total price or the anticipated quantities, without being able to reclaim any compensation, when the agency has released a written notification of the cancellation.

7. Final itineraries may vary due to wine producers availability, suppliers schedule or other factors beyond Viavinum´s control. However, we will make all efforts to keep these as they are and keep the same quality level.

8. The combined price of the trip has been calculated according to the available price of transportation, fuel, taxes and tariffs, etc. applicable the date the program is published. Any price variation on the elements mentioned prior, will be shown and updated in the final price of the trip—this includes price increases as well as price decreases. The client will be notified, via any form of communication—written or oral, of any price changes. The client will have the option to either desist from the trip or accept the changes in price and go on with the planned tour. In any event, the client should notify the agency of his decision within three days.

9. Any expenses incurred by the guest during the wine tour and not clearly specified within the final programme /trip chosen, must be paid by the guest.

10. There will be no reimbursement whatsoever of any quantity if the client decides to interrupt, at any time, for any reason including changes in weather, etc., the realization of the services he has contracted. Likewise, he will not receive reimbursement for any irregularity that could possibly occur during the trip. The organizing agency (Viavinum), is exempt from any responsibility for any expenses incurred due to the interruption.

11. The signing-up of a wine tour with Viavinum, by phone, personally, fax or email, implies the acceptance of the conditions given above. The payment of any quantity to Viavinum presupposes the existence of an agreement between the two parts. If you have any doubt, please do not hesitate contacting us.

12. These terms and conditions are subject to Spanish law. If necessary, both parties should submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the Spanish court system.
翻译文本 - Chinese汉语

1. 所有团体参加者必须年满18岁。如有未满18岁者要参加与酒相关的线路,必须由家长或监护人带领。家长或监护人需代表他(她)签订协议条款,对该未成年人的行为和安全负责。

2. 预订位置需支付完整游程价格的30%的预付款。在收到款项后,我们将寄给您一封确认信以及一张预订表单。减掉预订费用后的完整游程款项必须在游程开始的最少30天之前(多于一天的线路)和最少15天之前(一日游线路)付清,否则视为取消。

3. 取消游程必须在游程开始之前一个月以书面形式通知,才能获得全额退款(减去60欧元手续费)。美酒之旅将会在收到通知后寄出确认信。如果一次长线游程(多于一天的线路)的取消行为是在该酒文化行程开始前30天到15天之间发生,那么您将只能获得完整游程全额(之前已收取60欧元手续费)的75%的退款;如果取消行为是在该酒文化行程开始前不到15天发生,则不予退款。




4. 为确保您的利益,美酒之旅已经购买了旅游援助保险。然而,我们要求您在开始酒文化行程前也购买您自己的医疗保险(需国际有效)。请注意我们的保险并非无限医疗赔偿,因此我们建议您购买一份在西班牙有效的医疗保险。美酒之旅对客户的非相关医疗不承担责任。

5. 美酒之旅只负责协调与游程相关的服务和每条线路所包含的物品。对于美酒之旅控制范围之外发生的一切情况(例如:罢工、机场或港口关闭、自然天气情况、第三方行为等),美酒之旅旅行社不承担责任。如果此时一次酒文化行程的款项已经支付,任何退款均需减去合理的支出费用。

6. 既定行程要求团体达到最少人数。美酒之旅保留在人数不足以进行酒文化旅游行程时取消行程的权利。为了您的便利,美酒之旅将会提前通知您。通知时间段为对一日以上游程提前10天。


7. 最终线路可能会因为葡萄酒酿造厂是否开门营业、供应商的日程安排或其他在美酒之旅控制范围之外的因素而变动。然而,我们将尽力保持原定线路和同样的质量水平。

8. 整个游程线路的总价格是根据交通、油料、税收和关税等在项目制定日的实时价格来计算的。上述因素产生的任何价格变动将会影响旅游线路的最终报价——这同时包括线路最终报价的上涨与下跌。价格的任何变动将以任意联系方式通知客户——书面或口头。客户可以选择终止旅游行程,或者接受价格变动并按原计划进行旅游行程。在任何情况下,客户均需要在三日内将决定通知旅行社。

9. 客户在旅游行程中所发生的任何在所选择的最终线路安排中未指明的消费,必须由客户自己承担。

10. 如果客户在其所购买的服务的实现过程中的任何时候、因为何种理由(包括天气变化等)提出中断游程,组织旅行社(美酒之旅)不予退还任何数量的款项。同样,在游程进行中可能发生的任何反常情况,客户也不能获得退款。组织旅行社(美酒之旅)对因为中断游程而产生的任何费用不承担任何责任。

11. 无论是通过电话、个人、传真或电子邮件等何种形式与美酒之旅签订酒文化游程协议,均视为同意并接受上述协议条款。支付任何数量的款项给美酒之旅均视为双方已达成协议。如果您有任何疑问,请尽管与我们联系。

12. 本协议条款受西班牙法律保护。如有必要,当事双方均须接受西班牙法庭的仲裁。

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