Philippe Noth wrote:
Vera Schoen wrote:
Click he third button (Ignore) to the right of the QA-button. You'll get the choice to ignore all errors of the same kind (sometimes with the option of all erors wit that general description or all errors with the same long description). Make your choice - and done!
After years of clicking the checkbox of every line of MemoQ's QA, I finally had a project large enough to motivate me to search for a better method. Something like in Phrase: a bulk ignore feature or a key to check/uncheck the box. This was the answer!
I know many here like MemoQ more than Trados. I cannot compare the features and reliability yet – not enough work done in MemoQ – but boy that UI is terrible!
That Ignore button is grey! Just like the Reject button and the Previous arrow – which are disabled. The ability to go through the error list with a button click has been in my face all the time and I never imagined I could use it.
I check MemoQ projects with Xbench first – it has the clearest and most user friendly interface, especially when it comes to inconsistencies; it's quick to work with – then run MemoQ QA and fix or ignore any remaining issues. I do the same with Trados and Phrase projects because the same QA rules I have defined and honed in Xbench can be used in each of those projects. Results in better quality and saves me a lot of time. But I find Trados QA interface the worst of them all, it's quite messy and needlessly time consuming.