Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Communications Lexicon
Nokia Siemens Networks |
Explanations to over 6,000 terms of the IT sector. Also includes a list of abbreviations with the most commonly used short forms in IT environments.
Das Online Wörterbuch enthält rund 500 Fachausdrücke aus allen Prospekten der Mitgliedsfirmen des Forum Hausgeräte*. Es erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. *AEG, Bauknecht, Bosch, Electrolux-Juno-Zanussi, Elektra Bregenz, Elin, Eudora, Gorenje, Hoover, Liebherr, Miele, Neff, Siemens, Whirlpool Kann auch als pdf heruntergeladen oder als... View more
Utilissimo x settore telefonia mobile e fissa / Internet / programmi informatici / linguaggio in chat o SMS o E-mail. Tutte le definizioni in italiano delle sigle e parole più usate in questi settori.
Suitable for Language combinations English - German and German - english
I just discovered this one. My initial impression is that it is a very good and comprehensive bi-lingual glossary of data communications terminology.