Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary
U Köln based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary | http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koe...
Electronic version of the famous and still unsurpassed dictionary "A Sanskrit-English dictionary: Ethimologically and Philologically Arranged with Special Reference To Cognate Indo-European Languages", by Monier-Williams, first published 1899.
संभाषणसंस्कृतम् शब्दकोषः
Klaus Glashoff |
An hypertext Sanskrit dictionary English - Sanskrit and Sanskrit - English for spoken Sanskrit. Which means that it is designed to contain the mostly used common words necessary for daily communication./संभाषण संस्कृत हेतु विकसित एक अंग्रेजी-संस्कृत-अंग्रेजी का ऑनलाइन शब्दकोष, जिसका मुख्य उद्देश्य दैनिक वार्तालाप में प्रयुक्त होने वाले आवश्यक प्रचल... View more
French-English Glossary of Linguistic Terms
SIL International |
This glossary contains 7,256 French linguistic terms and 7,510 English linguistic terms. As a glossary, it does not define the terms but simply gives the equivalent(s) in the other language. Lexical and semantic relationships are displayed for many of the terms in both languages. Domains or schools of thought are also shown for many terms. All the ... View more
Héritage du sanskrit
Gérard Huet |
«Ce lexique a pour ambition de présenter les termes sanskrits principaux nécessaires à la compréhension du vocabulaire philosophique, religieux et mythologique de la tradition indienne, aussi bien bouddhiste qu’hindouiste, ainsi que certains termes spécialisés utilisés en iconographie et en linguistique. Par transitivité, on donne les racines ex... View more
Sanskrit-English dictionary
University of Koeln, Germany |
Sanskrit linguistics, Sanskrit Grammar, philosophy and Literature
Only the more common terms used in yoga have been given here. in english
Glossary of Sanskrit terms
Sanskrit language
Glossary of Zoroastrian terms
yourdictionary |
Glossary of terms used in Zoroastrian languages
Sanskrit-French dictionary
yourwebdictionary |
Sanskrit-French dictionary