Translation Glossaries from the Web
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351-375 of 8054 results
vegetables name
mahesh kumar |
63 852 entries.
Русско-турецкий словарь Бесплатный разговорник, параллельные тексты. Исправление орфографических ошибок в запросе. Учет морфологии. Турецко-русский словарь Онлайн словарь с произношением носителями языка. Поиск с учетом турецкой морфологии. Примеры употребления слов в контексте. Функции Поисковые подсказки. Определение направления перевода. ... View more
English-Gujarati, Gujarati-English, Gujarati-Gujarati, Hindi-Gujarati, Marathi-Gujarati dictionaries, thesauruses, phrases, proverbs, idioms.
Уйгурско-русский, Русско-уйгурский словарь
Кибиров Ш., Цунвазо Ю. Илиев А., Дельцова Э., Молотов З., Айнабеков Т., Садвакасов Г. |
Уйгурско-русский, Русско-уйгурский словарь. Использованные источники -
Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, 3rd edition
James A. Ballentine |
Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, 3rd edition.
Black's Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
Henry Campbell Black | is the most trusted free legal resource on the internet featuring professionally written legal definitions as well as the complete Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Edition. Henry Campbell Black published the first edition of Black's Law Dictionary over 100 years ago with the 1st edition in 1891. It has long been regarded the definiti... View more
Science Dictionary |
The World's Largest Online Science Dictionary. is the most trusted science resource on the internet created for scientists and academics by scientists and academics. Our team of PhD's, Masters students and scientists bring you the most authoritative science dictionary ever created online and is free to use. There are over ... View more
Tekstil Terimleri Sözlüğü. 5 339 terimler.
Tasavvuf Terİmlerİ Ve Deyİmlerİ Sözlüğü
Prof. Dr. Ethem Cebecioğlu |
Tasavvuf Terİmlerİ Ve Deyİmlerİ Sözlüğü. 3 016 terimler.
Ruhbilim Terimleri Sözlüğü. 1 993 terimler.
Tıp Terimleri Sözlüğü. 3 092 terimler.
Metalbilim İşlem Terimleri Sözlüğü. 2 905 terimler.
Coğrafya Terimleri Sözlüğü. 1 080 terimler.
Fizik Terimleri Sözlüğü. 2 330 terimler.
German-English and English-German Dictionary of Health Policy
German Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies |
German-English and English-German Dictionary of Health Policy. More than 2 000 entries in each language combination.
EH.Pro is the most advanced English-Croatian dictionary intended for professionals, companies and translator teams. The dictionary is available through the Internet and enables two-way communication. Find out the reason why EH.Pro is not an ordinary dictionary. EH.Pro - the biggest English-Croatian online dictionary with numerous features it can ... View more
Swedish-Danish dictionary |
62 649 entries as of 06.23.2016.
International Law Farsi-English Glossary
International Law Eng-Fa Glossary
This glossary contains useful terms and phrases related to FOREX and CFD.
Сленговый словарь трейдера. 391 термин.
English-Polish slang dictionary. More than 4 400 terms.
The Reuters Financial Glossary has been developed to give quick access to definitions of terms and concepts used in the foreign exchange, money, equity, commodity and debt markets. Terms used in technical analysis and macro-economics are also included. It is fully cross-referenced and many terms have links to other websites that give additional inf... View more
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Development of this dictionary started in 1998 under the editorship of Paul E. Black. This is a dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypal problems, and related definitions. Algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann's function. Problems include traveling salesman and Byzantine generals. Some entries ... View more
Securities glossary
SecuritiesGlossary |
Glossary of securities terms. More than 800 terms.
Markets have a language all their own and within that language, forex has its own dialect. Here are some terms we commonly use in our commentary.
Forex Trading Terms (Categorized): Abvreviations & Accronyms, Economic Indicators, Forex Market Terms, Forex People, Forex Slang Terms, Forex Technical Analysis, Forex Trading Strategies, General Financial Terms, Generic Accounting Term, Historical Terms, Influential People and Organizations, Institutions and Organizations, Insurance Terms, Interna... View more
Trading glossary |
Glossary of trading terms.
Trading glossary
Forex Glossary
ForexTraders |
Trading the world’s currency pairs is not the latest gambling rage. If you truly want to be successful at forex trading, you must be prepared to invest the time and hard work to acquire the three factors for success – knowledge, experience, and emotional control. The staff at is here to help you achieve these goals, especially from... View more
Glossary of financial terms. About 600 terms.
«Уфологический словарь-справочник Ярослав Сочки» составлялся в период с 1998 по 2004 год, в нем описано свыше 1000 терминов из различных аспектов уфологии (наука об НЛО — неопознанных летающих объектах). Автор-составитель (проблему НЛО изучает с 1989 года) преследовал цель описать и упомянуть практически все ходовые термины и словосочетания из уфол... View more
Vereniging voor Nederlandstalige Terminologie |
An online chronological and alphabetic glossary of Flemish (Belgium) and Dutch (Netherlands) neologisms with a definition and examples(s). NEOTERM is updated very regularly (almost weekly). The site registers term that are not (yet) in the Van Dale 2015 dictionary of the Dutch language.
Словарь терминов безопасности дорожного движения. Более 200 терминов.
Русско-финский и финско-русский словарь |
Русско-финский словарь содержит 99000 слов и терминов русского языка с переводом на финский язык. Финско-русский словарь содержит 67000 слов и терминов финского языка с переводом на русский язык.
Толковый словарь содержит свыше 6000 терминов, наиболее употребительных в общей и медицинской генетике, иммунологии, вирусологии, микробиологии, эмбриогенетике, биохимии, биоинформатике, экологии, нанотехнологиях, молекулярно-генетической и клеточной биотехнологиях, а также биотехнологиях, широко используемых в промышленности и сельском хозяйстве. ... View more
Католическая Россия. Азбука католицизма
Портал |
КАТОЛИЧЕСКАЯ РОССИЯ. КАТОЛИЧЕСТВО ОТ А ДО Я. - христианская веб-энциклопедия, созданная специально для того, чтобы Вы смогли в любое время получить полную, подробную и проверенную информацию о католицизме в России и мире, о многовековой истории христианской церкви и ее современном состоянии. Информация, собранная на портале, систематизирована в не... View more
Словарь терминологии тартуско-московской семиотической школы. Более 300 терминов.