Translation glossary: Ricardo - Engineering and Construction

Showing entries 351-400 of 4,194
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bell endextremo abocinado (acampanado) 
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bell holeagujero de campana 
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bell shaped curvecampana de Gauss 
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bell shaped curvecampana de Gauss 
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bell type hangersoporte tipo campana 
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below (as in identified below)a continuacion 
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belt drivenaccionado por banda 
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belt tensioner Pulleypolea de tension(tensor de la banda) 
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bench markpunto de referencia 
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bench marksmarcas de referencia ( niveles de referencia) 
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bench testprueba en banco 
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bendcurvatura, curva; desviacion; plegamiento 
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bend testspruebas de flexion 
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bendingflexion, plegado 
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bending momentmomento flector 
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bending radiusradio de curvatura 
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bent bar diagramsdiagramas de doblez de las varillas de acero 
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bentonite waterproofing compoundImpermeabilizante de Bentonita 
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best effortmejores intenciones[maxima garantia en redes de transmision de datos] 
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best effortmejores intenciones[maxima garantia en redes de transmision de datos] 
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best fitajuste optimo 
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bevel groove weldsoldadura de ranura biselada 
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bevel or groove weldsoldadura de bisel o de chaflan 
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beveled edgeborde biselado 
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bidofereta, licitacion 
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billboardanuncio publicitario 
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binscajas, recipientes, bandeja 
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bit, drill bitbroca 
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bitter hopslupulo amargo 
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bitumenasfalto de petroleo 
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black line prints (for plumbing,etc..)impresiones de fondo de lineas negras 
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black watersaguas negras 
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black watersaguas negras 
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blanketrollo (para aislantes) 
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blast holebarreno de detonacion 
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blasting agentagente detonante 
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bleed screwtornillo de purga 
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bleed water(from concrete placement)agua de sangrado 
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bleeder valvevalvula de purga 
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