Translation glossary: Legal Glossary

Showing entries 1-50 of 129
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acautelamento dos bensseizure of assets; asset seizure / forfeiture 
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advanced practice nurse (APN)enfermeiro especialista 
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Affidavit of One and the Same PersonAffidavit of One and the Same Person (Declaração Juramentada de Pluralidade de Nomes) 
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AKAtambém conhecido/a como 
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amicus practiceintervenção / prática como "amicus curiae" (amigo da corte) 
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answer judicially/extrajudiciallyresponder judicialmente/extrajudicialmente 
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archived recordsautos findos 
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assault and batteryameaça(s) e agressão física 
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at full stopcompletamente parado 
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autopsy findingsresultados da autópsia 
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índice fiscaltax index 
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ballot actionação cidadã; ação ativista 
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binding precedentsúmula vinculante 
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by edict / proclamationeditalmente 
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cartório do único ofíciosole / single registry office 
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Certificado de Regularidade do ImóvelReal Estate Compliance Certificate 
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certified paralegalassistente de advogado certificado 
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certifiercertificador, entidade certificante, médico certificador 
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charge its rightsdelegar (os) seus direitos 
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claimação judicial, reclamação 
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cognição exaurienteexhaustive cognition 
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comply withcumprir, obedecer a 
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Consta do Livro de Termos n.º(It is) recorded in the Register Book no. 
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contractual liability endorsement coveragecobertura de endosso com responsabilidade contratual 
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counselconsultor jurídico 
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criação de espíritointangible creation(s) 
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culpa formadaguilt established 
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danos apuradosliquidated damages / liquidated and ascertained damages 
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date issueddata de expedição 
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date of supply of recorddata de fornecimento/emissão do registro 
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date pronounced deaddata de declaração do falecimento 
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decedentfalecido, morto 
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deficiency judgmentjulgamento de deficiência 
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delegacia de defraudações e falsificaçõesFraud and Forgery Division 
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deputy registrarescrivão substituto 
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disannex, detachdesapensar, desanexar 
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docketprotocolo, registro, súmula 
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draft answerresposta-rascunho 
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electronic signatureassinatura digital 
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employee matters agreementacordo trabalhista; acordo sobre questões trabalhistas 
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enforcement of extrajudicial instrumentexecução de título extrajudicial 
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entrapmentarmadilha, armadilha policial, "armação" 
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escritura pública amigávelnon-litigious public deed 
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ex-parte communicationsembargos auriculares 
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excess policiesapólices complemenares, seguro adicional 
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Execução CivilEnforcement of a Civi Lawsuit / Judgement 
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execute and returnfirmar / assinar e devolver 
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expert witnesstestemunha pericial 
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