Translation glossary: Legal

Showing entries 1-13 of 13
ámbito de aplicaciónscope of application 
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DCS (Documento de control y seguimiento)Control and Follow-up Document 
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del mismo tenor y valortwo or more identical counterparts 
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estimada (la moción)sustained (the motion) 
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estimada la propuestaaccepted the proposal 
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instrucción del procedimiento administrativoinvestigation incident to the administrative proceeding 
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Ley OrgánicaOrganic Law 
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relación contractualcontractual relationship 
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relación contractualcontractual relationship 
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resolucion estimatoria/desestimatoriain favo(u)r/against (insurance claim decision) 
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Siniestros culpables'at-fault' accidents 
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siniestros inocentes de Cide/Ascidenon-fault accidents under CIDE/ASCIDE insurance agreements 
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susceptible de ejecución forzosasubject to enforcement 
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