
Format: Videos
Topic: Business skills for translators

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 70 minutes.

After you purchase access click here to watch the video.

Each session can be purchased individually, but if you wish to take five on-demand courses from the series you can purchase them at the special price: 68 USD.

On-demand course 外语翻译人员如何大幅度提高相关收入
On-demand course 如何利用email 营销吸引客户并发展你的翻译业务
On-demand course 如何告别饥饱不均的自由职业状态并大幅度提高收入
On-demand course 如何迅速增加翻译客源与业务
On-demand course 翻译人员如何创造多渠道收入

Summary:在本课程中您将学到如何不断吸引高端客户, 如何利用现有的资源同时创造多种渠道的收入,从而减少对翻译社和其他中介服务的依赖。
如果你是外语翻译人员, 希望利用自己的外语知识和技能,创造稳定高收入; 或者想吸引够多的高端客户; 那么你一定会在本课程里找到答案。无论你是刚进入本行业, 或者已经在这个行业里积累了一定的经验, 你会在本课程里学到实用有效, 但又切实可行的营销策略和手段,达到大幅度提高收入的目的。 本课中讲授的方法有:如何不断地有效地吸引客户, 减少对翻译社和其他中介的依赖, 从多种渠道创造包括主动收入, 被动收入以及续生性收入。这在同类课程中是鲜有提及的。

This content was created by Joy Mo.

Watch the free webinar video to learn what will be discussed on the four upcoming webinars:

Target audience
不论你在该领域的从业时间有多长, 如果你希望利用自己的外语才能增加收入, 或者创业,学习本课程都将让你受益匪浅。
Learning objectives
如何利用自己的外语翻译知识大幅度提高现有收入并创造稳定的, 长期的事业
欢迎所有对外语行业或者翻译行业有基本的了解, 希望提高自己的现有相关收入的人士参加
Click to expand

为什么精确定位市场是大幅度提高收入的关键, 你有应当如何定位
很多自由职业者采用的4个费钱费时的营销策略, 如何避免这样的弯路
一个常被忽视的, 非常有效的吸引新客户和回头客的好办法
Registration and payment information (click to expand)
Click to expand
Price: 19.00 USD

Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat Participation fee includes unlimited access to the recording. How do I purchase the video? To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and an invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records. How do I access the video? Once the payment is processed you will be able to watch the video here.
Created by
Joy Mo    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Joy Mo is a freelance translator and certified Mandarin/English Court Interpreter based in BC Canada. Joy moved to Canada from her home country China in 2001 and established herself as a language professional in British Columbia.
She runs a website www.translators-biz-secret.com that shares business tips and secrets with other language professionals.

Through her own personal experiences, Joy understands the challenges and problems freelancers face.

She publishes a free monthly ezine "Translate Your Way to Success" to help freelancers attract higher-paying clients and create a steadier income flow. For more information visit