Powwow Report for المملكة المتحدة - London (Nov 1 2002)

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Report from  David Knowles
The five of us met at Ask Pizza as arranged, including Deborah, who had threatened to be very late, but arrived before we had ordered!

Conversation ranged from how we became translators, getting jobs from the web, the benefits of becoming a Platinum member to bad backs and dubbing films into Bulgarian!

We spent nearly three hours in friendly conversation (and eating pizza) and didn't even squabble over the bill!

The real star of the show was Herbert, who wasn't there, but is Mirela's five month old baby boy. We were all very touched that Mirela had thought it worthwhile to leave him at home to meet us, and we let her go early to get home again to see him.

The venue was very suitable - we had a table for six on the ground floor, the service was good and the food not too expensive.

I was certainly glad to get to know other professional translators, and we would never have met together without the internet. All in all, a very successful evening, and I'm sure we'll meet again - probably on 24 November!

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Deborah James
David Knowles

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Nov 7 '02  David Knowles: Meeting
I've submitted an attendance list and brief report. Should appear soon.

We had a great time - in an understated English way of course :-) Venue good, company excellent, three hours went by in a flash!

Herbert was the star.
Nov 6 '02  Guillermo de la Puerta: Comments?
Can anybody make any comments about the meeting? How was it?

Kind Regards wildlp :-)