Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Wielki słownik angielsko-polski, polsko-angielski PWN - Oxford
Oxford University Press |
- 1 000 000 znaczeń, zwrotów, fraz, idiomów - specjalistyczne terminy z ponad 100 dziedzin - brytyjska i amerykańska wymowa haseł, nagrania audio Najlepszy słownik w Polsce - Nowoczesny - słownik nowej generacji dla każdego - Profesjonalny i wiarygodny - opracowany przez fachowy zespół - Uniwersalny - zawiera słownictwo ogólne, terminy specja... View more
Oxford Dictionaries
© 2014 Oxford University Press |
Provérbios ENG e PT
Schütz, Ricardo. "Provérbios em Português e Inglês." English Made in Brazil <>. Online. 19 de novembro de 2007. |
A short pithy saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece of advice. (The New Oxford Dictionary of English) Frase curta, geralmente de origem popular, freqüentemente com ritmo e rima, rica em imagens, que sintetiza um conceito a respeito da realidade ou uma regra social ou moral. (Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa)
Glossary of terms used in Islamic Medical Manuscripts
Emilie Savage-Smith, Senior Research Associate, The Oriental Institute, University of Oxford |
The meaning of historical terms relating to medieval medicine and book making. The Arabic is transliterated in Latin letters
suplement do słownika PWN-Oxford
Radek Więckowski |
dla wielu nieusatysfakcjonowanych slownikiem PWN-Oxford pomoca moze byc suplement do slownika PWN-Oxford. Drugi link do innego suplementu:
Glossary of Chemical Safety Terms
The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University, England |
This glossary is a good source of general information about the potential hazards of chemicals and safety measurements in the work place.
Il dizionario Oxford-Paravia Concise online presenta, come la versione in volume, oltre 75.000 voci (più di 45.000 inglesi e circa 31.000 italiane), ampiamente articolate nelle diverse accezioni, ricche di esempi, frasi idiomatiche, compounds e phrasal verbs. È basato, come l'Oxford-Paravia maggiore da cui deriva, su materiale lessicografico e fra... View more
dizionario it ingl e viceversa, per cercare bisogna registrarsi
Detailed definitions of medical terms in Russian, headwords in English.
German Law Archive
University of Oxford |
This site may well be known to many; I find it amazingly helpful and comprehensive.