Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-19 of 19 results
Gasunie transport services glossary
Gasunie Transport Services | https://www.gasunietransportservice...
More than 250 entries.
About 250 entries.
(Glossario dei Trasporti Anno 2000) INCOTERMS, logistics
Transportversicherung von A bis Z bietet eine Zusammenfassung wesentlicher Fachbegriffe aus der Welt der Transportversicherung und damit verbundener Wissensgebiete aus Wirtschaft, Logistik, Transport und Verkehr. Es ist das Ergebnis einer Gemeinschaftsarbeit der Arbeitsgruppe Transport-Informations-Service (AG TIS).
transportation glossary
First Conferences Ltd. |
Transportation Glossary Monolingual English/English
Glossary of Shipping and Transport Terms
Certified Transportation Network |
Monolingual English/English glossary of shipping terms.
Glossary of Public Transport Terms
Transmodel, the Reference Data Model for Public Transport |
Glossary of Public Transport Terms English to French
Transportation Glossary specific to UK
London and North Western Railway Society |
Glossaries of terms, classes of locomotives and people
Aerospace glossary
JAXA, Institute of Aerospace Technology |
Ja >En Glossary of Aerospace technology (explanation in Japanese)
Dictionary of International Transportation Terms
For Spanish to English, please see in the same portal:
US Maritime Administration Shipping Glossary
US Department of Transportation - Maritime Administration |
Glossary of shipping terms.
Acronyms and abbreviations in English, plus an International section for Spanish, French, Latin, German,
Italian, Mexican and Hebrew.
It contains 348,560 Entries / 122 Categories, such as:
Computing & Internet
General, File Extensions, Networking, Telecom, Software, Hardware, Assembly, Databases, SMS, Security
Chat, Emoticons... View more
FMCSA Glossary of Terms
FMCSA - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (USA) |
About FMCSA: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) was established as a separate administration within the U.S. Department of Transportation on January 1, 2000, pursuant to the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999. Our primary mission is to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving large trucks and buses. FMCSA is... View more
Transportation Expressions
BTS Bureau of Transportation Statistics- US-Department of Transportation |
This report presents transportation expressions and definitions used throughout the Federal government, private organizations, Canada and Mexico. This report provides users of transportation information with a comprehensive inventory of transportation expressions and their referents.
Logistics glossary
Georgia Institute of Technology - Logistics Institute |
Terms, abbreviations and definitions used in shipping and logistics.
A glossary of customs terms in Turkish>French>English. Though it's organized in Turkish to French/English, a search could be conducted in all possible directions and combinations through Ctrl+F shortcut.
W�rterbuch Immobilienwirtschaft - Real Estate Dictionary
Immobilien-Kosmos - (a German real estate portal) |
Dictionary/glossary containing about 8,000 terms covering the fields of real estate, investment, construction, installations and services, urban planning and transportation (watch the occasional spelling mistake).
Civil Aviation
Service Technique des Bases A�riennes | http://www.stba.aviation-civile.gou...