Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Italian language glossary of medical terms.
Medicinska termer
Belfrage Förlag |
Medicinska termer samlade på en och samma sida, en guldgruva med andra ord för den intresserade. Att förstå vad en term betyder i källspråket underlättar vidaresökandet efter den adekvata termen i målspråket, inte illa! :) Lycka till!
Glossary of eye terminology
Barbara Cassin, M.Ed. Melvin L. Rubin, M.D., editor |
Common terms -- symptoms, tests, treatments, surgery, diseases & conditions, anatomy -- eye doctors use. These definitions may help you understand them better. More than 5,000 of the most frequently used terms and phrases associated with the eye and vision, and 1,000 abbreviations and acronyms. Definitions are in "plain English" so everyone can ... View more
DOCTORS' SLANG, MEDICAL SLANG AND MEDICAL ACRONYMS AND VETERINARY ACRONYMS & VET SLANG These have been mostly collected from the UK and USA, with a few non-English contributions (many thanks to all contributors from around the globe). Some of the acronyms are region-specific and have differing meanings in US and UK. It is noticeable that the US... View more
Slang Terms - (Emergency Room)
ER Headquarters |
Glossary of slang terms used in the TV show ER (also relevant when translating particular medical documents)
In the spirit of international understanding and cooperation among guitarists I am seeking to compile a translation list for all languages for parts of the guitar. There is very little in the official translation books or elsewhere for these terms. Not even in those big Web translation programs. It may not be important to the rest of the world, bu... View more
Medical dictionary On-Line for Chinese Best Sense Development Ltd |
Online English to Chinese, Chinese to English medical dictionary
Dicionário Médico para o Público
Hospital das Clínicas da USP |
It's a medical glossary intended for people in general, not medical doctors. It's monolingual (Brazilian Portuguese)
"Este es un diccionario de términos (glosario) de refuerzo de sonido profesional en español, por una parte, y por otra un diccionario inglés-español y español-inglés."
Cancer Glossary - Simon Cotterill |
this glossary has been written for educational purposes only, it can not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or a disease. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your doctor. No responsibility can be accepted for information on any linked page, please read the provider's own disclaimer where appropr... View more
diccionario de refuerzo de sonido profesional en español, por una parte, y por otra un diccionario inglés-español y español-inglés. This audio english-spanish and spanish-english dictionary will be useful to those trying to reach into the world of sound reinforcement in Spanish.