Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-11 of 11 results
Краткий терминологический словарь по чрезвычайным ситуациям
Комитет по чрезвычайным ситуациям и гражданской обороне при Правительстве Республики Таджикистан |
Переработанный и адаптированный от понятийно-терминологического словаря под общей редакцией Ю.Л. Воробьева.
Dictionary of Disaster and Emergency Terminology
Dr. Ibrahim El-Tikeina |
An English > Arabic downloadable dictionary of disaster and emergency terminology for disaster management workers
Slang Terms - (Emergency Room)
ER Headquarters |
Glossary of slang terms used in the TV show ER (also relevant when translating particular medical documents)
Emergency Management Glossary and Acronyms
Dean R. Larson Ph.D., CEM Member NFPA Technical Committee on Disaster Management |
Ballistic Missile Defense Glossary
U.S. Department of Defense |
Downloadable PDF file. Ballistic Missile Defense Glossary
Glossary of Public Health Emergency Preparedness terms and acronyms
Washington State Department of Health |
Glossary of Public Health Emergency Preparedness terms and acronyms
Abreviaturas en español
Harrison Medicina |
Useful medical acronyms in Enlish-Spanish; also images of emergency medicine
Disaster Preparedness Glossary
McNeil Technologies Inc. - Dunwoody Press |
One in a series of glossaries to aid disaster relief workers in the event of an international emergency. Approximately 7,300 entries. Divided into four sections: Turkish-English, English-Turkish, Turkish-English Subject Index, and English-Turkish Subject Index.
Turkish terminology supplied by the team Disaster Management
Research Center... View more
Fachbegriffe Zivil- und Katastrophenschutz Deutsch - Englisch / Englisch - Deutsch
Command and Control Glossary
Swedish Rescue Service Agency |
command and controll terms in Swedish rescue and emergency services.