Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossary of Zoning, Development, and Planning Terms
Collective of authors |
A Glossary of Zoning, Development, and Planning Terms (The Glossary) (Planning Advisory Service Report 491/492), edited by Michael Davidson and Fay Dolnick, was just that — a collection of terms and words used in all aspects of planning, including land use, architecture, real estate, environment, law, science, economics, government, and engineering... View more
MAN Roland Glossar
MAN Roland Users Group (MANRUG) |
Printing terms, En-De. Searchable in both directions with the Find function. Downloadable Word format.
W�rterbuch Immobilienwirtschaft - Real Estate Dictionary
Immobilien-Kosmos - (a German real estate portal) |
Dictionary/glossary containing about 8,000 terms covering the fields of real estate, investment, construction, installations and services, urban planning and transportation (watch the occasional spelling mistake).