Translation glossary: Legal

Showing entries 1-42 of 42
Afin d’éviter toutes dérivesIn order to prevent any issues from arising 
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audience de renvoiVarious possibilities: committal / adjournment / transfer (to another court) hearing (source: FHS Bridge) 
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aux cas prévus par la loicases in which it is permitted by law to do so 
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à peine de résiliation immédiate du présent contratunder penalty of immediate termination of this Agreement 
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ce comité prendrait ses décisions à 75% des voix75% of votes will be required for the Committee to take decisions 
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Certificat de non pacte de solidaritéCertificate of the absence of a contract of civil partnership 
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chaque fois avec renvoiswith each one being deferred/adjourned 
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chef de missionground for the expert appraisal 
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commissaire aux apportsvaluer of contributions in kind to the capital of a company 
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comparutionidentification details 
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créance compensatrice(Switzerland) equivalent claim / a claim for compensation by the State in respect of a sum of equivalent value 
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dans le cadre familialin the home 
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dans le cas où il sera constaté que...should it come to our attention that... 
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donations entre vifs avec ou sans chargeconditional and unconditional inter vivos gifts 
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droit d'utilisationpay for user rights 
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faire une mise en demeureserve notice on 
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justifie d’un...can/shall prove that it has... 
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l'éloignement actuelcurrently lives far away 
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La loi relative au devoir de vigilanceThe Act in relation to (Companies') Duty of Care 
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les attributions légales du droit d'agirthe law confers the right of action 
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les jurisprudences « AAA » et « BBB » qui prévalaientthe "AAA" and "BBB" precedents that prevailed 
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les règles du mandatpower of attorney rules 
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les scellés seront apposésseals shall be placed on 
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mark upmark-up (UK) / markup (US) 
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N° de SIRETSIRET (business registration) number 
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personne moralelegal person 
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personne physiquenatural person 
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poursuites(legal) proceedings 
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prescriptions administratives de chargesencumbrances placed by public authorities / government agencies 
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rapport entre X par Yratio of X to Y (but see the full discussion as regards this particular question) 
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Règlements urbainsUrban rules and regulations 
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relatives à la preuve ou à la contrainte par corpsin relation to evidence, and in relation to imprisonment for non-payment of fines 
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sans pouvoir exercer aucun recours contre le bailleur pour vice deand shall not be entitled to bring any claims against the lessor in respect of defects as regards 
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se réclamer declaim / is claiming / is staking a claim to / making a claim to / claim rights 
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Sur la jonctionRegarding the joinder (UK) / consolidation (UK, sometimes, also Ireland and the US) 
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tout ou partiewholly or partially 
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