Translation glossary: MEW - GENERAL

Showing entries 251-300 of 410
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Outbound/inbound telesales repstelevendedores y telerrecepcionistas de pedidos 
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overlays onlysólo superpuestos/recubrimientos/overlays 
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P.P.p.p. (from Latin: "per pro" - signed on behalf of) 
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pacientes útiles (que pueden caminar, que pueden hacer sus actividades de vida diaria)self-reliant patients 
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PAO payments for up to one third of facility amountpagos únicamente del capital, hasta por un tercio del monto del préstamo 
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para el futuro de sus libertadesfor the future of their constitutional liberties 
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para mejor proveerto furnish additional evidence 
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para otorgar y firmarto execute/ formalize / enter into 
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partida y subpartida(tariff) heading and sub-heading 
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parts with securities where no further increase in share prices are anticipatedabandona los títulos/valores de emisores cuyas acciones no se prevé que sigan subiendo de precio 
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periculum in morathere is danger in delay 
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pero esta vez se propone hacer mayor énfasisThis time, however, we propose to place greater emphasis 
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physically challengeddiscapacitado 
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PIperformance index = índice o indicador de rendimiento 
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planta central primer piso (Colombia)first floor central area (of the building) 
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playsheethoja descriptiva de función 
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políticas públicas y administración del interior del estadopublic policy and administrative organization of the state 
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Pole-dampening Bushingbujía humedecedora de polos 
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political leverageinfluencia política 
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poniendo de manifiesto el expedientemaking the court file available to all parties 
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poniendo de manifiesto el expedientemaking the court file available to all parties 
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poopinformación interna; información actualizada 
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por imposición del juego de la oferta y la demandaas called for by the supply and demand game 
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por propio derechoon his/her own behalf 
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por su intermedio y según se expondráthrough the instrumentality/intermediary of the latter, as stated below 
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portfolio companysociedad de cartera, empresa de la cartera de inversiones de... 
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power adjust/Manual folding Side View Mirrorespejo retrovisor lateral con ajuste eléctrico, plegable manualmente 
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precautionary principleprincipio cautelar 
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Premium Economicseconomía de alto valor agregado 
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Prescribir con Más Criteriomake more informed recommendations 
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pressure atomized oil burnerquemador de aceite con atomización presurizada 
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price/evaluation matricesmatrices de evaluación y precios 
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prima de atualización financieramonetary correction allowance 
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principal(firma/empresa/compañía) representada / mandante 
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printer template filearchivo de plantilla de la impresora 
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priority interest senior toparticipación prioitaria con derecho a prelación sobre... 
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pro-rata on joiningproporcionales al ingresar 
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probabilizarconducive to 
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procedimiento de medición a fondodepth measurement procedure 
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product equity / corporate equityvalor agregado de los productos / ventajas de la compañía 
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programa de seguro voluntarioelective/optional insurance program 
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project absentsi las partes no firman un 
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prolapsedcaído, desplazado 
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proprietary positionposición patrimonial 
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prosectoríadissection room / anatomy lab 
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protestingsin que se objete/reclame por ello 
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provisionar o previsionarmake reserves for 
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pull-up resistorresistencia pull-up 
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purging and inertingpurgar y hacer inerte 
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