Translation glossary: RO-EN Legal

Showing entries 1-25 of 25
a consimti la intabularea dreptului de proprietateto agree to enter the right of property into the land register 
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a răspunde penalto be criminally liable, to be held criminally liable 
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art. 242 alin. 2 Cod Procedura CivilaArticle 242 (2) Code of Civil Procedure 
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Încheiere de legalizare a specimenului de semnătură nr. XXcertification of the signature 
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împroprietărireapportionment of property 
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bancruta frauduloasafraudulent bankruptcy 
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C.U.I. R ........Unique Registration Code 
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devălmăşiejoint property 
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eliberarea unui imobilvacate the building/house 
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furt calificataggravated theft 
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imputernicire de reprezentare directaproxy 
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intabulato enter into the land register 
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intravilanbuilt-up area 
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mijloace circulantecurrent assets / working capital (WC) / working assets 
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numar de ordine în registrul comerţuluiTrade Register Registration Number 
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operator economiceconomic operator 
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resti­tuire în naturărestitution in kind 
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rezoluție directorManager's decision 
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scrisoare cu continut declaratletter with declared content 
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talon de înmatriculare autovehiculvehicle registration certificate 
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taxat cucharged with 
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tehnoredactatdrafted up 
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teoria contractelor civilethe (general) theory of the civil contracts 
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