اللغات التي تعمل بها:
عربي إلى أنجليزي

Scott Tipton
MSA, Moroccan, EGY, and SYR ARA to ENG

Waxahachie, Texas, الولايات المتحدة
الوقت المحلي : 10:02 CDT (GMT-5)

اللغة الأم :أنجليزي Native in أنجليزي
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حافظة نماذج من النصوص المُترجمة: 2
عربي إلى أنجليزي: The Gospels are What Will Give Me the True Path
General field: أخرى
Detailed field: الدين
لغة نص المصدر - عربي
الكتاب الأنجيل هو لي غادي إديني لطريق الصحيح
مرحبا , أسمي عبد العالي , من شرق المغرب , وجدت رقمك الهاتفي بموقع اليوتوب , أنا سأحكي لك كل شيء بالتفصيل .
انا كنت مع صديقي في المقهى الانترنيت – السبير - , ولانني غير متعلم كان برفقتي هدا الصديق , أعطيته عنوان موقع ألكتروني , فادي تفي موقع لتلفزيون مسيحي , فإدا بنا نتصادف بشريط فديو على اليوتوب , شهادة مؤمن مغربي مسيحي , يحكي كيف أمتلئ قلبه بالأيمان بعدما لمسه الرب بالشفاء .
أنا أريد التواصل مع تلفزيون فادي تفي , لأشكرهم , حيث رب يسوع قال لينا , لي عمل معاك شي باركة خصك تشهد بها , وانا أريد أن أشهد لأبونا زكرياء ولكن ماقيتش الطريقة ولا كيفاش ندير , أنا صليت وراء أبونا زكرياء والرب لامسني وعطاني واحد البركة في قلبي.
أنا يوم جاتني واحد لغمة في قلبي , ربي لحنين هو وحده لي عالم بها , خوتي لمسلمين من جهة وشيطان من جهة والخطية من جهة أخرى , تنتمنى من الله تصليو لي شي صلاة باش ربي إفرج علي ونخرج من هاد شي .
أنا غادي نحكي لكم قصتي أنا شاب مغربي مجموعة فيا كل الموبقات الخيبة لحشيش المعاصي شراب والحقد البغض , كنت تندوش ونصلي ونمشي لجامع مانخلي ماندير باش نحارب داك شي ومانبقاش نرجع للخطية , ولكن والو بحال لي كبتي الماء على الرملة .
في أحد الأيام كنت بمدينة السعيدية تنشوف التلفزيون , وأنا نقى قناة فادي تفي , والاب زكرياء برنامج كشف حقيقة الاسلام , عصبني البرنامج وخلق لي تشويش وخلني نتشبت بالاسلام أكثر ونطبق كل الفرائض , ورغم كل هدا ظلت أسئلة أبونا زكرياء تلاحقني خصوصا لما قال في أحد برامجه , نحن لا نخرجكم من الدين الاسلامي نحن فقط نعرفكم بحقيقة الخالق , نحن نعرفكم طريق النور ونخرجكم من طريق الشيطان لعنه الله , صليت من وراء أبونا زكرياء وأثناء نومي رأيت الرب يسوع المسيح تيقول لي , أنا واقف في الابواب أطرق , صدقت ديك الكلمة وتلامس معيا الله , عطاني الله واحد النعمة لي مكنتش تنتصورها كاع في الحياة ديالي , عطاني الله دك الروح القدوس لي مكنتش تنعرفها , عطاني الله واحد الحب لي معمرني عشتو في الحياة ديالي ,
بديت تنحب الناس , عطاني واحد الحب لي نهائيا ماكنت تنتصورو وقيتو , قيت الثقة وعرفت ان الخالق هو سيدنا المسيح , حتى لو زالت السماء والارض كلامو مايزول , هاد شي عطاه ليا ربي لحنين , خوك راه مكلخ أمي ماقاريش , لكن نهار لي عرفت فيها سيدنا المسيح , عطاني واحد الفهم في الحياة .
لما أمنت ولات عندي مشاكل مع صحابي وفي الخدمة ومع مالين الدار خصوصا لما عرفوني مؤمن , كل واحد وكيف تيتصرف معي كين لتيستفزني وكين لي تيطهدني , وكل واحد وأش تيقول لي , كين لي تيضحك علي وكين لي تيستهزئ ويقول لي انت ماخصكش تعيش بيناتنا هنا , حتى الاخت ديالي واحد نهار بدأت تتبكي وتتقول لي واش تيكميوك هاد الناس شي حاجة . للاسف هدي هي الطريقة ديال المسلمين الله يجعل سيدي ربي اسامح ليهم .
دبا لما انا تنهضر معاك بديت تنحس بالراحة و بديت تنحس شوية بالثقة بنفسي والامان في حياتي , لقيت لي غادي إشجعني ويزيد ليا شوية في الايمان ديالي , ماشي لي يقول لي انت ضال انت كافر ماخصكش تعيش هنا انت خصك تقتل , صليو ليا صليو ليا بزاف باش إدخل ربي لحنين في الحياة ديالي حيث انا ضعيف .
وبغيت منك الكتاب المقدس , الكتاب ديال الله وخا أنا ماقريش نحطو غير حدا راسي , حيث هداك هو الكتاب لي غادي اديني الطريق الصحيح , ماكينش شي كتاب اخر يعوض هدا الكتاب .
ترجمة - أنجليزي
The Gospels are What Will Give Me the True Path
Hello! My name is Abd alAali from northern Morocco and I found your number from a video off YouTube. I’ll tell you everything in detail.
I was with a friend in a cybercafe, and because I’m not educated he was accompanying me [the man could not read or write, so his friend was typing for him into computer]. I gave him the internet address of Fadi Tafi, a Christian television channel, and suddenly we were watching the testimony of a Moroccan Christian sharing how he had submitted his life to faith after the Lord touched him with supernatural healing.
I want to get in touch with Fadi Tafi to thank them because the Lord Jesus told us that when a Christian works with you and gives you a blessing, you must testify to it to them. I want also to testify to Father Zekeriah but I haven’t found out how to contact him. I prayed with Father Zekeriah when the Lord first touched me and gave me His blessing in my heart.
One day, I felt intense sorrow in my soul—our intimate Lord is the only One Who knows what it was. There was pressure from my Muslim friends on one side and Satan’s temptations to sin on the other. I was constantly praying, asking God to bring me out of those things.
I will tell you my story. I’m a man in whom every evil action has gathered, from weed to alcohol to hatred. I was going to the mosque to try and stop doing all the evil things that I did and stop returning to my sin, but there was nothing there. It was like pouring water out onto sand.
One day I was in Saidia [a Moroccan city] watching TV and I saw the channel Fadi Tafi. Father Zekeriah was on with his program The Discovery of the Truth of Islam. The program made me furious and confused me, but most of all it caused me to cling to Islam tighter and implement all of its principles in my life. But despite that, the questions stayed in my mind which Father Zekeriah had asked—particularly when he said in one program that the Christian channel he worked for didn’t try to convince people to leave Islam but rather tried to inform people of the truth of the Creator. He had said, “We inform you of the path of light and try to pull you from the way of Satan, God’s curse be upon him.” I prayed with Father Zekeriah the prayer of salvation, and in my sleep I saw the Lord Jesus Christ saying to me, “I stand at the door and knock.” I believed that word and God took hold of me and gave me grace which I never imagined could ever exist in my life! God gave me the Holy Spirit which I never knew, and He gave me His love, which I’d never lived in before.
I began to love people. God gave me a love for them which I never imagined could exist, and I gained trust that the Creator is Jesus Christ, and that even if the heavens and the earth faded away, God’s Word would never fade away. Our God of love gave me all this. I am a poor man and I’ve never studied, but the day that I knew Jesus Christ, He gave me a deeper understanding of life.
When I believed, I began to have problems with my friends and my coworkers and my landlords, especially after they knew I was a Christian. There were those among them who merely treated me with contempt and those who persecuted me outright. There were those who laughed at me and those who rejected me and told me to leave my community. Even my sister one day began to wail and sob loudly and ask if someone had given me drugs to make me behave this way. Unfortunately, this was the path that the Muslims chose, and may the Lord forgive them.
Now, when I speak to you, I feel comfortable and I’ve started to feel a bit confident and secure in my life. I’ve found who will encourage me and increase my faith, not who will tell me that I’m lost and I’m an infidel and you shouldn’t live here with us and you should die. Please pray for me, pray for me a lot—pray that God comes and enters my life more and more, because I am weak.
I want the Bible from you, the book of God. No, I can’t read, but I’ll put it before my eyes and I’ll know that it will give me the true path. There is no other book greater than that book.
عربي إلى أنجليزي: There is a Difference Between Being Christian and Being Muslim
General field: أخرى
Detailed field: الدين
لغة نص المصدر - عربي
هناك فرق بين أن تكون مسيحي أو مسلم
أسمي إسماعيل من شمال المغرب , متزوج ولدي طفلين , نشأة في أسرة محافظة دخلت للمدرسة القرأنية , جزء لابأس به من القرأن والأحاديث النبوية حفظته بالصمغ واللوح والعصا فوق الرأس والفلقة تحت الأرجل .
لازلت الى اليوم أتدكر تلك الأيات المظلمة والاحاديث المظللة التي حشو بها رأسي بالغصب , تشجيع العائلة للفقيه ومنحه كل صلاحيات الترهيب لحفظي القرأن والسيرة النبوية , جعلني أرى الأ المظلم في الأسلام والمسلمين .
لما إشتد عودي وأصبحت شاب , بدأت أفكر في الهجرة السرية الى أوربا , هناك بإيطاليا الرب فتح قلبي على أشياء كثيرة كنت أفتقدها , التسامح والمحبة والغفران , لقد فرق معي كثيرا موقف الرهبان بأحد الكنائس , أنا كنت أسرق المال من داخل الصناديق الموجودة بالكنيسة ولقد أكتشف أمري ورغم دلك لم يبلغو الشرطة وبقيت أستفيد من المساعدات الاجتماعية التي تقدمها الكنيسة .
لن أنسى هدا الموقف الأنساني العظيم لهؤلاء الرهبان معي , بحق هناك فرق بين أن تكون مسيحي أو مسلم بين الاسلام والمسيحية , ليعلم الجميع بأن الله في الاسلام ليس هو الاله الحقيقي , فقط إلقي نظرة من حولك لترى ارهارب الدواعش , هؤلاء هما المسلمين وهدا هو الاسلام في جوهره الحقيقي .
أنا أبحث عن الاله المحب الدي يفيض علينا بالحياة وليس الموت , وأشكر الرب أنه وجدني ولمس قلبي وسلمته حياتي وقبلته ربنا ومخلصا يسوع المسيح , أصلي لرب كل يوم , لأجل أطفالي و زوجتي أنا يلامسهم الرب بمحبته .
ترجمة - أنجليزي
There is a Difference Between Being Christian and Being Muslim
My name is Ismael and I am from northern Morocco. I am married and I have two children. I was raised in a conservative family and I was enrolled in a Qur’anic school, one that focused heavily on the Qur’an and the Hadiths—I memorized the Qur’an before the blackboard, the rod over my head and the whip under my feet.
I still remember those black verses and the miserable Hadiths which caused my hit to split from the force of my teachers’ discipline. I still remember the encouragement of my religiously bourgeoisie family to my instructors and their approval of the use of all the instruments of harsh discipline to persuade me to memorize the Qur’an and the account of the life of the Prophet. It made me see Islam and Muslims as oppressors.
When I became a young man, I began to contemplate emigrating to Europe in secret. There, in Italy, the Lord opened my heart to many things that I was missing, compassion and love and forgiveness. A situation I found myself in with one of the priests of a local church distinguished itself to me very clearly: I was regularly stealing money from the donation boxes of the church, and the matter was discovered. But they never told the police—instead, they allowed me to continue to benefit from the church’s social programs.
I will never forget that incredible situation or the priests who were with me. There really is a difference between one being a Christian and a Muslim, between Islam and Christianity. May the world know that the god of Islam is not the true God—just take a look around you and see the mercenaries of ISIS! They are the true Muslims, and they celebrate Islam as it truly is.
I seek the God of love Who gives us life and not death, and I thank the Lord that He found me and took hold of my heart and enabled me to give Him my life and accept Him as Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray to God every day for my children and my wife that God’s great love might take hold of them.

مؤهلات في الترجمة Bachelor's degree - University of Texas at Austin
الخبرة سنوات الخبرة في الترجمة: 9. مسجل في بروز.كوم:Oct 2014
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
أوراق اعتماد عربي إلى أنجليزي (ACTFL/ILR)
عربي إلى أنجليزي (University of Texas at Austin)
العضوية N/A
برمجيات Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
CV/Resume أنجليزي (PDF)
Hello! My name is Scott Tipton and I am a recent graduate of the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor's degree in Arabic Language and Literature. I have lived in Morocco for the past year studying Arabic under Egyptian professors and gaining extensive knowledge and skills in MSA, Egyptian, and Moroccan Arabic. At the University of Texas, I focused on mastering the Syrian dialect, further adding to my knowledge base. I have received a Superior (Level 3) rating from the US government according to their ACTFL/ILR Oral Proficiency Interview, documenting my thorough knowledge of the Arabic language.

The Superior rating (Level 3) on the Oral Proficiency Interview is very difficult to achieve and rare in the modern marketplace. It requires a minimum of two to three years of intensive study to attain, and fewer than fifteen percent of all American governmental employees ever reach this level in their target language for languages which vary significantly from English. On my way to acquiring this level of expertise, I have been exposed to several different dialects of Arabic, lending me a rare and valuable knowledge base from which to draw upon.

Additionally, I am accomplished in English composition. I am an award-winning author of English fiction; I have written over fifty short stories and four novels, the first three of which were approximately 60,000 words and the last of which was 82,000. Over the course of my writing career, I feel I have gained much in terms of clarity and concision, and I am able to write at a high level while also maintaining a high level of understanding in the reader.

If you are interested in hiring me for a translation, I am available via email at [email protected] or via Skype (my Skype Name is scott.tipton4). I am available often Monday - Friday for an interview. In the coming year, I will be splitting my time between Fes, Morocco and the Denver, Colorado area, but soon I will be transitioning to Morocco on a long-term basis.

Thank you and God bless!
كلمات مفتاحية: politics, religion, economics, social issues, business, copywriter, fine arts, cinema, music, socioeconomic issues. See more.politics, religion, economics, social issues, business, copywriter, fine arts, cinema, music, socioeconomic issues, finance, investments, history, academics, literature, Islam, legal work, legal studies, law, Christianity. See less.

آخر تحديث للصفحة الشخصية
May 28, 2015

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