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Software applications to3000 clone is there any freeware and/or open source
application similar to to3k? i need application
for a bit of project management and particularly
Mulyadi Subali Mar 10, 2008
General technical issues How often is it necessary to buy a new external hard disk? how long does the warranty last? i have 500gb home edition of wd my book. bought it
last december. it has three years warranty. i
think you should check on the warranty for your
hd. in worst scenario, you might have to us
Mulyadi Subali Mar 10, 2008
CAT Tools Technical Help Usefulness of CAT tools for financial translators sure i work in a bank for a year. use cat tool for
financial statement, minutes of meetings, etc.
Mulyadi Subali Mar 10, 2008
CAT Tools Technical Help Usefulness of CAT tools for financial translators go for it i would say very useful as financial statements
will have quite a few repetition.
Mulyadi Subali Mar 10, 2008
Trados support Simple Question: Can I import a TM from SDL Trados into Trados 7? 1.4b according to this page:
, trados 7 is tmx 1.4b compliant.
Mulyadi Subali Mar 10, 2008
Trados support Simple Question: Can I import a TM from SDL Trados into Trados 7? tmx the tm should be compatible. but to make sure, you
can ask your friend to export the tm to tmx,
instead of txt.
Mulyadi Subali Mar 10, 2008
General technical issues OCR depends... ... on what ocr you have. i have abbyy pdf
transformer. it means that i have to convert the
image to pdf, then run the ocr. if you have abbyy
finereader, i guess you can just run the ocr o
Mulyadi Subali Mar 6, 2008
Windows operating systems I have two Windows systems installed on my laptop, but they don’t appear on screen at startup!!! easybcd from the boot file, it is clear that you only have
one operating system. to make things easier, you
can use a freeware, i.e., easybcd, to manage
multiple os on your
laptop. [URL=htt
Mulyadi Subali Mar 6, 2008
Windows operating systems I have two Windows systems installed on my laptop, but they don’t appear on screen at startup!!! startup and recovery try this: click start - control panels -
system on the system window, click advanced
(tab). then click settings (button) on startup and
recovery. [URL=
Mulyadi Subali Mar 5, 2008
Trados support Which Trados version should I buy? sdl trados 2007 if you have the resources, you should aim for the
most current one.
Mulyadi Subali Mar 5, 2008
Indonesian Anggota Platinum baru 2007 diskon browniz kapan pun perpanjangannya tetep bisa dapet diskon
klo punya 4000
browniz. [URL=][I
Mulyadi Subali Mar 5, 2008
Software applications locking a PDF file pdf security settings on abbyy pdf transformer there is pdf security settings on abbyy pdf trans
2.0. you can password protect the file to restrict
opening and/or editing and printing. the features
are similar to the security settings
Mulyadi Subali Mar 3, 2008
Linux OS / Free software BREAKING NEWS: PCLOS-Trans available as VMware Application! virtualbox or you download and install virtualbox:, and run
the os from it.
Mulyadi Subali Mar 3, 2008
Indonesian Rate standar Inggris-Indonesia USD 0.05??? thanks... ... buat comment-nya sue. this is out of curiosity
karena berhubungan dengan topik yang saya kerjakan
baru-baru ini. and again, saya ngga nanya masalah
rate, cuman ketentuan di proz sendir
Mulyadi Subali Mar 2, 2008
Indonesian Rate standar Inggris-Indonesia USD 0.05??? aturan proz rasanya saya ga nanya masalah rate tuh. dari yang
saya baca itu, mengenai antitrust, ngobrol santai
bareng 'pesaing' pun bisa dianggap 'bersekongkol'
dan sebaiknya dihindari. saya cuman ta
Mulyadi Subali Feb 29, 2008
Translator resources Word Count for Website trados workbench it's been discussed before: personally, i use
trados workbench for word count as it is, cmiiw,
the de facto standard.
Mulyadi Subali Feb 29, 2008
Indonesian terjemahan ngawur, the sequel hooh [quote]Ade Indarta wrote: Wah ini tiap kali
gambarnya diklik dapat cash ya, Mas? Lumayan
nih:p Ade [/quote] iya mas. lumayan klo lagi
iseng. :grin:
Mulyadi Subali Feb 29, 2008
Indonesian terjemahan ngawur, the sequel demo [URL=][IMG]http://im[/IMG
Mulyadi Subali Feb 29, 2008
Indonesian terjemahan ngawur, the sequel toilet kereta, kayanya... [URL=][IMG]http://im[/I
Mulyadi Subali Feb 29, 2008
Indonesian terjemahan ngawur, the sequel source
text: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] translation: [UR
Mulyadi Subali Feb 29, 2008
Trados support Upgrade from Trados 6.5 to Trados SDL 2007: Existing TMs still available? tmx? how about to tmx? no one ever tried that? Mulyadi Subali Feb 27, 2008
Trados support How to obtain a free SDL Trados demo google you can find current trados 'demo' by googling. i
don't know the policy now, but it seems that sdl
doesn't provide trados 'demo' anymore.
Mulyadi Subali Feb 27, 2008
Indonesian Rate standar Inggris-Indonesia USD 0.05??? just a thought kebetulan lagi lembur nerjemahin topik serupa,
i.e., antitrust. di naskah sumber disebutkan bahwa
para pesaing harus menjaga komunikasi seminimal
mungkin, terutama untuk aspek2 bisnis semi
Mulyadi Subali Feb 26, 2008
Getting established How to prepare for a career in translation pro bono if you're ready to provide your service free of
charge, maybe you can start with pro bono works. i
informally started by giving free translation for
friends when i was in high school and c
Mulyadi Subali Feb 26, 2008
Trados support Do you give discounts for matches in your own TM? not necessarily [quote]Margreet Logmans wrote: No, I
don't. But then, most agencies are smart enough
to know this and provide an updated TM from their
own archives. [/quote] this is not always th
Mulyadi Subali Feb 26, 2008
Indonesian PayPal/Moneybooker : saran tentang data diri gampangnya... bikin akun baru aja pake nama sesuai ktp/rekening
bank. money transfer itu butuh biaya yang lumayan
besar. jelas aja klien umumnya ga suka pake cara
ini, kecuali jumlah transferannya juga
Mulyadi Subali Feb 21, 2008
Indonesian PayPal/Moneybooker : saran tentang data diri bisa di paypal moneybookers ga bisa. pas add account bank, nama
pemegang akun sudah otomatis nama kita di mb. di
paypal rasanya nama depan masih bisa berbeda, tapi
nama belakang sudah default ke nama be
Mulyadi Subali Feb 20, 2008
Indonesian tarik duit gratis dari paypal tanya banknya memang selama ini kena potongan klo transfer dari
moneybookers? saya rasanya ga pernah kena
potongan. akun usd saya di citibank. supaya lebih
jelas, mungkin bisa ditanya langsung ke bankny
Mulyadi Subali Feb 19, 2008
Indonesian tarik duit gratis dari paypal moneybookers vs. paypal sebenernya moneybookers sendiri tidak melakukan
konversi. transferan kena konversi klo kita
transfer dari moneybookers ke akun rupiah. untuk
menyiasatinya, bisa buka akun usd. sekarang
Mulyadi Subali Feb 19, 2008
Translator resources Need FR>EN dictionary for Mac OS X babylon + virtualization if all else fails, you can try babylon on windows
using any virtual machine. or if you're online all
the time, you can use online web dictionary, such
Mulyadi Subali Feb 19, 2008
Trados support Updating from Trados 7.0 to SDL Trados 2007- can I use old TMs? tmx = standard afaik, tmx is supposedly the standard of
translation memory. so if you export your tm to
tmx, you can also use it with many other cat
tools. tmx has also been supported by trados
Mulyadi Subali Feb 14, 2008
Trados support Updating from Trados 7.0 to SDL Trados 2007- can I use old TMs? tmx just to be on the safe side, you can convert the
tm to tmx first.
Mulyadi Subali Feb 13, 2008
Software applications Windows mobile dictionary software babylon mobile? i use the one for pc, which is great. haven't
tried the mobile version though. this one's for
touchscreen pda/phone:

Mulyadi Subali Feb 13, 2008
Trados support Can SDL Trados 2006 Freelance run on Windows Vista platform? the real question is... why upgrade to vista anyway? do you really need
it? will it increase your productivity at all? or
is it just following the trend? the fact is many
people want to 'downgrade' to xp.
Mulyadi Subali Feb 13, 2008
Software applications Antiviral Software and Firewalls os other than windows [quote]Sven Petersson wrote: Use Sandboxie
( or use Linux in VMware
( as sandbox!

Mulyadi Subali Feb 5, 2008
Indonesian Tentang penerjemah/jurubahasa tersumpah rp184.3 saya aka my two cents penerjemah dan juru bahasa merupakan dua profesi
yang berbeda. masing2 menggunakan keterampilan
yang berbeda. jadi keduanya seharusnya memang
dibedakan, walaupun tidak menutup kemungkinan
Mulyadi Subali Feb 5, 2008
Indonesian Tambah akun bank di paypal verifikasi kartu kredit kartu kreditnya udah diverifikasi paypal blom mas?
klo blom, verifikasi dulu.
Mulyadi Subali Feb 1, 2008
Indonesian terjemahan di dunia nyata >:-) lol. kita tunggu komentar roy suryo deh. Mulyadi Subali Feb 1, 2008
Software applications Which CAT tool is better? omegat for truly free and portable solution for most of my translation i use omegat. apart
from being free, it is portable. just put it in a
ufd, then you can use it with any available pc for
your work. even in a mac, with mac versi
Mulyadi Subali Jan 31, 2008
Indonesian terjemahan di dunia nyata [URL=
Mulyadi Subali Jan 31, 2008
Indonesian Ttg kesalahan tulis-menulis autocorrect di word klo ngetik suka salah2, bisa masukin entri di
autocorrect klo pake word.
Mulyadi Subali Jan 30, 2008
Indonesian tarik duit gratis dari paypal more updates... - kayanya cuman bisa ke account rupiah, cmiiw -
kode bank = kode kliring, i.e. 3 digit pertama =
kode bank keluaran bi + 4 digit berikutnya = kode
Mulyadi Subali Jan 29, 2008
Indonesian tarik duit gratis dari paypal takes time [quote]Harry Hermawan wrote: Mul, Udah
dijalanin atau info aja buat kita semua
nih? Kalo udah berarti kita dapet keuntungan
nih, btw gimana menurut rekan2? yang lain nih?
Mulyadi Subali Jan 29, 2008
Indonesian tarik duit gratis dari paypal ... untuk jumlah sekurangnya 1,5juta rupiah.
kurang dari itu kena 16ribu, lebih murah dari
moneybookers cmiiw. selengkapnya:
Mulyadi Subali Jan 29, 2008
Money matters Full-time freelancer vs. moonlighter mine's pretty hectic [quote]Viktoria Gimbe wrote: I would love to read
posts from people who moonlight - how do they
manage? Can one really be employed full time and
take on translation contracts on the side?
Mulyadi Subali Dec 13, 2007
CAT Tools Technical Help What CAT tool(s) to use? trados alternatives [quote]kyanzes wrote: I wonder how often do
other jobs coming from outsourcers require
SDL-Trados? If it's a widely accepted standard
then sure I'll buy it but first I would like to be<
Mulyadi Subali Dec 13, 2007
Money matters Full-time freelancer vs. moonlighter details please [quote]Robert Cai wrote: Another drawback for
freelancers might be that they are not able to
"learn" in a corporate environment. I know there
are various resources there so that you can
Mulyadi Subali Dec 13, 2007
Money matters Full-time freelancer vs. moonlighter full-time translator i'm not a full-time freelancer, but a full-time
translator. i have a day job, as a translator, and
also works as freelance translator. i took the day
job more because of the prestige in wo
Mulyadi Subali Dec 13, 2007
Trados support TM in text format? import it you can import the txt into your current tm, or a
new one. i usually make a new one for client's tm,
as i don't want it to 'taint' my own tm... :wink:
Mulyadi Subali Dec 11, 2007
Trados support Trados - beginner questions: getting 'clean' files from .xml.ttx; languages not supported by TRADOS short answers 1. in the tageditor 2. languages are set, up to 5
in the freelance version, during the installation.
if it's not there, then you might have to
reinstall it.
Mulyadi Subali Dec 6, 2007

منتديات النقاش في مجال الترجمة

افتح نقاشاً حول مواضيع تتعلق بالترجمة التحريرية, الترجمة الفورية والتوطين

Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

More info »
Protemos translation business management system
Create your account in minutes, and start working! 3-month trial for agencies, and free for freelancers!

The system lets you keep client/vendor database, with contacts and rates, manage projects and assign jobs to vendors, issue invoices, track payments, store and manage project files, generate business reports on turnover profit per client/manager etc.

More info »