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Search results: (78 matches)
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Búsqueda de profesional TRADOS Recomendación Mi respuesta llega muy tarde pero si tengo que
recomendar a alguien, la persona que recomendaría
se llama Martín Chamorro, que justamente dicta
cursos sobre Trados entre otras temáticas
Oscar Rivera Mar 16, 2021
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Enviar y recibir dinero con TransferWise Transferwise es ahora Wise Solo escribo para decirles que TransferWise ahora
se llama Wise y por si alguien no tiene una cuenta
en Wise, se puede crear una con mi enlace de
Oscar Rivera Mar 16, 2021
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Enviar y recibir dinero con TransferWise Solo recibir pesos argentinos por TransferWise Me gustaría actualizar este hilo con algo que
descubrí hace poco. Por el momento, solo se
pueden recibir pesos argentinos. Para las personas
que quieran enviar dinero por TransferWise y
Oscar Rivera Jun 4, 2020
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Impuesto a la exportación de servicios en Argentina Agradecimiento Muchas gracias por la información, Roberto. Oscar Rivera Oct 1, 2019
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Enviar y recibir dinero con TransferWise Consultar con su banco y su contador A todos los que lean este hilo, quiero que sepan
que yo hice las transferencias entre mis cuentas.
Les recomiendo que consulten a sus contadores,
vayan a sus bancos y consulten si tienen q
Oscar Rivera Sep 30, 2019
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Enviar y recibir dinero con TransferWise Enviar y recibir dinero con TransferWise [quote]Daniela Helguera wrote: Hola, Oscar.
Muchas gracias por el dato. Me interesa saber
cómo hiciste con el banco Santander Río para
recibir los fondos en tu cuenta radicada en<
Oscar Rivera Apr 6, 2019
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Enviar y recibir dinero con TransferWise Enviar y recibir dinero con TransferWise De nada. Espero que esta información sea
beneficiosa para todos.
Oscar Rivera Feb 18, 2019
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Enviar y recibir dinero con TransferWise Les comento sobre una opción que pueden llegar a
implementar con clientes extranjeros:
TransferWise. Aunque existe hace un tiempo, yo la
conocí gracias a un amigo venezolano. Yo no la
Oscar Rivera Feb 17, 2019
OmegaT support OmegaT won't open Problem Solved After losing heart because OmegaT shut itself down
(I didn't delete anything) and wouln't open, I
thought it wasn't work anymore on this computer
until I downloaded Autshumato ITE and now
Oscar Rivera Aug 25, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help translation software for Linux You might want to check OmegaT [quote]esperantisto
[/quote] It can work on Linux. You can download
it from here:
Oscar Rivera Aug 8, 2015
OmegaT support please help and new here My two cents [quote]rajesh_msen wrote: Hi guys,
I want to know about few features which
available in omegaT or other open source tools.
Please suggest me. 1.Export the .xlf file to
Oscar Rivera Jun 18, 2015
OmegaT support OmegaT won't open OmegaT, Command Line and Java [quote]Didier Briel wrote: [quote]Oscar Rivera
wrote: Hello, I was working on a project when
all of a sudden, OmegaT just shut down. I decided
to open it again by clicking on the ico
Oscar Rivera Apr 6, 2015
OmegaT support OmegaT won't open Thanks but problem still unsolved I would like to thank everyone for your answers
but I haven't been able to solve the problem
yet. [quote]Didier Briel wrote: [quote]Oscar
Rivera wrote: Hello, I was working on a p
Oscar Rivera Apr 6, 2015
OmegaT support OmegaT won't open Hello, I was working on a project when all of a
sudden, OmegaT just shut down. I decided to open
it again by clicking on the icon but OmegaT
appeared at the lower bar but it wouldn't still
Oscar Rivera Mar 29, 2015
OmegaT support How to remove tags <1> </1> from the original text The tags at the end hasn't altered the document so far. [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: [quote]Oscar Rivera
wrote: Thanks for the "remove tag" advice. It
worked and solved the problem. The target document
without the tags looks exactly as the o
Oscar Rivera Dec 15, 2014
OmegaT support How to remove tags <1> </1> from the original text Belated thanks for the prompt help [quote]Susan Welsh wrote: if you tried this
particular file in 2.5 you would get the same
thing, because as I understand it, it has to do
with the .docx format. I use Codezapper, wh
Oscar Rivera Dec 15, 2014
OmegaT support How to remove tags <1> </1> from the original text Hello everyone, So I made the move from 2.5 to
3.1 as there were some new features the former
(2.5) lacked, e.g. search and replace (CTRL+K).
However, 2.5 had an "advantage" over 3.1 in
Oscar Rivera Dec 10, 2014
OmegaT support Wanted:Empty segment to be translated OmegaT 3.1 [quote]Didier Briel wrote: [quote]Oscar Rivera
wrote: Off the top of my head, I didn't like
something basic like when I was translating a
segment, the symbols "" and the word "segment"
Oscar Rivera Nov 6, 2014
OmegaT support Wanted:Empty segment to be translated Dislikes about 2.6 [quote]Didier Briel wrote: [quote]Oscar Rivera
wrote: @Didier, I am running OmegaT 2.5.5 at the
moment. I tried the 2.6 and I didn't like it so I
went back.[/quote] There doesn't seem
Oscar Rivera Nov 6, 2014
OmegaT support Wanted:Empty segment to be translated Thanks to all @Samuel, Thanks for your answer. I was working on
a translation and there was a repeated word that
was separated from the sentence and used a space
to avoid translating it. [quote]Joh
Oscar Rivera Nov 3, 2014
OmegaT support Wanted:Empty segment to be translated I have done some browsing in this forum but I
haven't found an answer. I was wondering if there
is any way I can have the segment to be translated
empty, i.e. without the original translat
Oscar Rivera Nov 3, 2014
Being independent What do they mean by "sworn" translation? Broadly speaking in Argentina... in some provinces, legal translators have to
enroll in a translator's association. One of the
requisites to join is a public/sworn/certified
translation degree issued by either a public o
Oscar Rivera Jul 23, 2014
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Tarjeta de Débito Payoneer en Argentina Recomendación de Payoneer a un amigo (USD 25) Pablo: Antes que nada muchas gracias por tu
respuesta la cual dista de ser escasa y es muy
completa, desinteresada y sincera. La verdad que
algunas de las respuestas que escribiste las<
Oscar Rivera May 14, 2014
Money matters Payoneer and Paypal and et al Payoneer US Payment Service [quote]Nissim-Payoneer wrote: [quote]Paulinho
Fonseca wrote: So Nissim, what you are saying
is that I can send the money I have in Paypal to
Payoneer. :-) [/quote] Our US Paym
Oscar Rivera Mar 31, 2014
Money matters Payoneer and Paypal and et al Has anyone ever received money straight to their
payoneer account from a third party that is not
part of Payoneer? If so, was it from a
company/person from the US or from another part of
Oscar Rivera Mar 26, 2014
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina ¿Conocen ARGENPER S.A.? Gracias por la respuesta. Muchas gracias Clarisa por compartir tu
experiencia con Argenper, por el nombre y su sitio
web también supuse que era una empresa que
trabajaba entre Argentina y Perú. Saludos.
Oscar Rivera Mar 26, 2014
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Tarjeta de Débito Payoneer en Argentina Les comento que hace un mes solicité mi tarjeta
de payoneer en su sitio oficial
px[/url]. Me creé una cuenta y completé todos
Oscar Rivera Mar 26, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help I need CAT help CAT tools still have an edge. [quote]Tom in London wrote: [quote]Eyad Akkilah
wrote: Good day, which
application would you suggest for translation
assistance? I am looking for a simple application
Oscar Rivera Mar 3, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help Why should I purchase CAT software? It all boils down to either 1 or 2. If your translate documents, such as a manual,
which have a lot of repetitions or similar
sentences (eg. The television is on/The radio is
on: only one word difference), any CAT tool will<
Oscar Rivera Mar 3, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help I need CAT help I agree with Heinrich [quote]Heinrich Pesch wrote: OmegaT is free and
will probably do most of the things you would like
to do. Cafetran costs 80 Euro and seems to be in
favor by many colleagues. I myself us
Oscar Rivera Mar 3, 2014
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Formas de pago en Argentina Payoneer Estuve leyendo lo de Paypal y lo engorroso que
puede ser retirar el dinero o las altas comisiones
que pueden llegar a cobrar. Después de haber
escuchando de algunos colegas, Payoneer pare
Oscar Rivera Feb 25, 2014
Business issues We are #82 Not so [quote]Orrin Cummins
tm According to the data at the above link from
the U.S. Department of Labor, as of 2013 there
were 821 "deta
Oscar Rivera Jan 30, 2014
Getting established Career in translating - with a twist Translation: your living or your hobby? After reading your answers, the first question
that sprang to mind was this: Do you want to
make translation your living or your hobby? If
you want to make it your hobby, then you
Oscar Rivera Jan 30, 2014
Spanish Traducción jurada con dos idiomas en el original Mi situación En mi caso, una vez tuve que traducir la hoja de
datos de un pasaporte búlgaro que estaba en
búlgaro e inglés. Yo soy traductor
público/jurado/certificado de inglés-español y
Oscar Rivera Jan 30, 2014
Being independent Freelance Vs. On site These are my two cents [quote]markge wrote: Hey fellow
translators, Just wanted to see if anyone here
has had to make the decision of whether or not to
strictly work freelance, or to work on site at an
Oscar Rivera Oct 24, 2013
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina ¿Conocen ARGENPER S.A.? Debido a las restricciones monetarias en Argentina
(al 2013) y tal vez porque tener una cuenta en
otros países para realizar transferencias se
complica o porque Paypal no resulta una opci
Oscar Rivera Oct 13, 2013
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Key Global Courier - Ever heard of it? Enlaces a tener en cuenta Muchas gracias por los enlaces a tener en cuenta
para cualquier persona que quisiese realizar una
búsqueda sobre esta empresa o Thomas Walker
(nombre usado aparentemente por otra persona)
Oscar Rivera Oct 13, 2013
Scams Very useful e-mail lookup An interesting website I think it can be a very good resource to find out
on the spot the reputation of an email.
Oscar Rivera Oct 13, 2013
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Key Global Courier - Ever heard of it? Hay que reportar el aviso ^^ Al parecer también se expandió hasta México,
el aviso que mencionábamos nosotros es de un
supuesto departamento en la Ciudad de Buenos
Aires. Starlight, si podés reportalo al aviso
Oscar Rivera Oct 6, 2013
Spanish Sorteo de una novela para celebrar mi cumpleaños Una buena acción Tal vez haya llegado tarde al sorteo porque
frecuencto muy poco el foro en español pero tu
acción de sortear tu novela me pareció una buena
acción, ¡felicidades y espero que sea el
Oscar Rivera Sep 19, 2013
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Key Global Courier - Ever heard of it? Just a quick update After trying to bargain, I sent an email to this
person stating that I was not interested in
renting the apartment and s/he wrote back offering
a month lease at $1100 when the original pri
Oscar Rivera Aug 28, 2013
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Key Global Courier - Ever heard of it? Beware this person! Yogui, to you and the rest, I would advise against
contacting and depositing any money. I wrote to
this person and try to haggle but s/he wouldn't
give in. Just a heads up to anyone, es
Oscar Rivera Aug 28, 2013
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Key Global Courier - Ever heard of it? I smell a scam! First of all, I want to thank everyone for their
replies. On a first note, I got an email from
the "so-called Thomas Walker" and he sent me some
pictures, which I fear, might have been
Oscar Rivera Aug 27, 2013
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Key Global Courier - Ever heard of it? I was wondering if any of you has ever heard of
this payment method/system. Actually I don't know
what it is because I looked for it online but
failed to find an official website. The only
Oscar Rivera Aug 25, 2013 training Free Webinar on Upcoming Terminology Training Terminonolgy Training This would be a very good opportunity to refresh
my memory with regard to terminology and terms as
in my course of study, I learned about the history
of terminology not how to make the bes
Oscar Rivera Aug 20, 2013
OmegaT support Is it safe to use OmegaT? It won't even tap your phone! As an OmegaT n00b, I must say that OmegaT is a
helpful tool. When I first started delving into
the world of CAT tools, I came across OmegaT and
since it was free I downloaded it (free is a
Oscar Rivera Jul 29, 2013
OmegaT support OmegaT - how do I set numbers and phrases to appear as already translated? This has helped me! Oh! I thought you left like that as it'd be the
same in the source and final documents. Thanks
Oscar Rivera Jul 29, 2013
OmegaT support Webinar on OmegaT Unfortunately I didn't see this and now it is not possible to
access the webinar. I hope it can be found
somewhere else.
Oscar Rivera Jul 29, 2013
OmegaT support Problem when creating a new project with netbook screen size Merci Didier! I forgot to mention I had the 2.5.5 version
installed. I used the tab key and it worked.
Thanks a for your prompt answer.
Oscar Rivera Jan 22, 2013
OmegaT support Problem when creating a new project with netbook screen size Hello everyone! I am having a bit of a problem
here when I try to create a new project on my
netbook. I go to the menu bar and click on "new"
(to create a new project). I choose the langua
Oscar Rivera Jan 21, 2013

منتديات النقاش في مجال الترجمة

افتح نقاشاً حول مواضيع تتعلق بالترجمة التحريرية, الترجمة الفورية والتوطين

Manage your TMs and Terms ... and boost your translation business

Are you ready for something fresh in the industry? TM-Town is a unique new site for you -- the freelance translator -- to store, manage and share translation memories (TMs) and glossaries...and potentially meet new clients on the basis of your prior work.

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Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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