The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

أنجليزي إلى دانماركي الطب العام Translation Glossary

أنجليزي term دانماركي translation
-gauge gauge
Entered by: Pernille Kienle
... prices include VAT; introduction errors reserved. priserne er inklusiv moms; der tages forbehold for trykfejl.
Entered by: Lone Sørensen
a subset of images en undergruppe af billeder
A&E protocols skadestueprotokoller
abdomen underliv
abrupt closure abrupt tillukning
Access surgeon access kirurg
acoustician akustiker
adhesive retention dressing fikseringstape/selvklæbende fiksering
admixture bag blandingspose, opblandingspose
Advanced Medical Technology Association Advanced Medical Technology Association
Entered by: Soren Petersen
Adverse Events Uønskede hændelser (kontekst: kliniske forsøg)
Entered by: Charlotte Langbeen
Advisory Notice meddelelse (fra fabrikanten)
air infusion luftindsprøjtning / luftinfusion
airway support kunstig ventllation
aliquot tip aliquot spids
allow delivery of giver mulighed for at indgive
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
Anatomical humeral corollas krone.....
Entered by: liz askew
anatomist anatom
antegrade irrigation antegrad irrigation
Antibacterial Medical Honey antibakteriel medicinsk honning
antral gastritis antrumgastritis
anxiogenic effect angstfremkaldende (bi)virkning
Aortic Extension Prothesis aortisk forlængelsesprotese
as nature intended som det er tiltænkt fra naturens side: som det var naturens mening; på en helt naturlig måde
Entered by: Pernille Chapman
assay analyse, bestemmelse, prøve, styrkebestemmelse;
½ cycle overkill method half cycle overkill-metode
Entered by: Tina sejbjerg
background levels of atmospheric ionizing cosmic radiation atmosfærisk ioniserende kosmisk baggrundsstråling
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
bap walker
base pacing rate grundfrekvens
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
basilic vein vena basilica
Beach Chair Shoulder Drape with Fluid Control Pouch "beach chair" skulderafdækning med opsamlingspose
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
Bid to gange daglig
Entered by: Tina sejbjerg
Bleeding gastro-oesophageal varices blødende gastro-øsofageale varicer
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
blister strip blisterkort
blood management practices god praksis mht. blodhåndtering
body hormone-like kroppens egne hormone
body purity ren krop
bore tip borespids
bowel management routines toiletbesøg (alternativt: toiltetvaner)
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