The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

أندونوسي إلى أنجليزي الشعر والأدب Translation Glossary

أندونوسي term أنجليزي translation
...tidak begitu pekat sebagaimana halnya dengan yang lama... .. are not as pronounced as the \"hikayat\" of earlier times.\"
alur maju / alur mundur chronological plot/reverse chronology
anjing Ancol low-life Ancol dog
bang - quake lihat penjelasan
Bapak/Ibu permandian Godfather/mother
belagak arrogant
berbalas pantun traded pantoums
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
bercengkerama to reflect myself/reminisce
berkunyit shiny and oily sweat
bermanuver dengan gesit to maneuver deftly
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
bokin mistress
dagang yang rawan a longing traveller
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
dasar Arjuna what an arrogant person
demi buah hatinya for the sake of her darling (baby chicks)
dengan kepenuhan kalbunya with her whole heart
dengan pandangan lepas ke teluk with a view clear down to the bay
dirajuk berlian sebatu coaxed by a diamond
ditradisikan traditionalised
Dunia tak selebar daun kelor. The world is bigger than your backyard.
gawat! Oh my!
Entered by: Ray Nugraha
geladag immoral and unethical
gores pelupuk mata lines around her eyes
ia iba semesra-mesranya she feels deeply sad
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
ikan piranha piranha
ikut gotong-royong manunggal taking part in Army-sponsored community work
Inilah yang terhembus dalam tubuhku This is what I felt in my very being
jande nggak laku undesirable widow
Entered by: Regi2006
Jangan-jangan nanti kesepian. I just hope she won’t be lonely.
Kalau tak dalam prihatin If I had not been in such dire straits/desperate circumstances
kasep bachelor
kehidupan yang membayangi hari-harimu follow; haunt
kekhusyukan pembacaan naskah devoutness in reading the manuscript
kena duri cente pricked by lantana thorns
kesusastraan berbentuk puisi literature in form of poetry
koplokan shabby shed
kualat sinned or bad karma
Entered by: Hikmat Gumilar
lembaga pengkajian Islam a center of Islamic studies
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
lha dalah Goddammit!
Main cocok-cocok saja. You keep saying \'exactly\', \'exactly\', but just because the pieces seem to fit doesn\'t prove it\'s true.
makanan yang mendukung food that suits its activities
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
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