The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

روماني إلى أنجليزي المحاسبة Translation Glossary

روماني term أنجليزي translation
expertiza financiar-contabila financial accounting expertise
imobilizari necorporale intangible assets
zile incasari depasite outstanding payment collecting days
"aceste sume se calculeaza extracontabil" off-balance sheet
"imprumuturi trase" drawn loans
(Profitul sau pierderea) reportat (profit or loss) carried forward
a ţine un cont see explanation
a închide casa to close the register
a descarca de gestiune (successful submission of the ) year end inventory
a emite o factura issue an invoice
Entered by: Andrei Albu
a furniza in sistem leasing supply under leasing contracts/a leasing scheme/leasing arrangement
a inchiria to lease
a intra în gestiune to be recorded into inventory
Entered by: Anamaria Sturz
a introduce date centralizat centralized data entry
a refactura to reinvoice
a scoate din gestiune write off
a se extinde shall also apply to
a tine contabilitatea Bookkeeping
abbreviation : A.F. financial auditor
acoperirea pierderii din deprecierea plăţilor coverage of the loss caused by payments depreciation/depreciation of payments
Entered by: Claudia Coja
act al societatii Articles of association, Articles of incorporation
actiuni cu drept de vot voting shares
Entered by: JH Trads
actiuni proprii own shares
actiuni si parti sociale shares and equity interests
activ fara suport material intangible asset
active cedate assets disposed
active contingente iesite contingent assets disposed of/outgoing
active necomerciale non-commercial assets
ajustari de valoare value adjustments
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
amanat la plata delayed / postponed payment
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
Amortisment depreciation
aport de capital in natura in-kind capital contribution
Entered by: Ioana Costache
aviz de însoţire shipment slip
aviz de debit debit advice
împrumuturi pe termen mediu şi lung medium and long-term loans
Entered by: anamaria bulgariu
balanţa analitica a stocurilor Inventory analytical balance sheet|analytical balance of inventory
Entered by: Claudia Coja
balanta analitica/sintetica analytical and synthetic balance sheet
balanta contabila cu 4 egalitati trial balance
balanta conturilor de clienti existenti in stoc (existing) customer/client account balance
balanta mijloacelor fixe fixed assets trial balance
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