The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

إسباني إلى أنجليزي الأتمتة والآليات Translation Glossary

إسباني term أنجليزي translation
Cajero Automático (de un párking) automatic pay station
clinchado clinching
ESCAREADOR (Pneumatic) reamer
Latiguillo pigtail
manografo manograph
medidor de caudal flow meter
memoria de cálculo calculation log
Modelado y control de un dispositivo de aumento de fuerza modelling and control of force-multiplying device/mechanism
motor del motriz drive motor
Entered by: maryblack
plato y contrapunto chuck and centre, chuck and centre set-up, chuck and centre arrangement
Entered by: Carlos Segura
puesta al suelo lowered to (the ground)(ground level)
Entered by: maryblack
Relé de control de inhibición de interfaces fibra óptica Fiber optic interface inhibition control relay
Entered by: Marcelo Silveyra
se irá cumpliendo (in this context) will take place/happen
sistemas computacionales de información o control computerized information or control systems
transformador toroidal toroidal transformer
tubular dune buggy
videoportero video intercom system | video entry system
vidrio simple single glass
Entered by: Edward Tully
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