Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Vocabolario Botanico Friulano
Giulio Andrea Pirona |
Vocabolario delle specie vegetali e dei funghi che crescono nel territorio del Friuli, pubblicato nel 1862.
Русско-английский толковый словарь геологических терминов и понятий
Парначев В.П., Вылцан И.А., Танзыбаев М.Г., Рудой А.Н., Котельникова И.В. |
Настоящий словарь представляет собой четвертое издание "Словаря геологических терминов и понятий" (Томск, 1992. – 60 с.1995. – 83 с. 1996. – 85 с.). В него включены термины и по почвоведению в связи с осуществлением на ГГФ дисциплин: "География почв и основы почвоведения", "Методы исследования почв". Знание геологических терминов необходимо и сту... View more
В словаре содержится около 350 терминов, используемых в современной тектонической литературе. Содержание каждого термина приводится на единой понятийной основе, отражающей современное состояние теории тектоники литосферных плит. Наряду с тектоническими, включены термины по структурной геологии, петрологии, геофизике и другим смежным дисциплинам, ча... View more
В словаре содержится около семисот терминов, используемых в современной геоэкологической и экологической учебной и научной литературе. Для всех терминов приведены английские эквиваленты.
Словарь терминов ГИС.
Accounting, Audit & Finance Glossary
Международный центр реформы системы бухгалтерского учета |
Издание подготовлено Международным центром реформы системы бухгалтерского учета (МЦРСБУ) с использованием бухгалтерской, аудиторской и общей финансовой терминологии, применяемой во многих секторах экономики. При составлении Глоссария проведена широкая консультационная работа с участием заинтересованных сторон и использована терминология предыдущих ... View more
Conhecimentos Técnicos - Aviões
Denis Bianchini |
A book with all the terms related to aeroplanes and descriptions in Portuguese.
AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY - A DICTIONARY OF AUSTRALASIAN WORDS, PHRASES AND USAGES with those Aboriginal-Australian and Maori words which have become incorporated in the language and the commoner scientific words that have had their origin in Australasia by Edward E. Morris M.A., Oxon. Professor of English, French and German Languages and Literatures... View more
Roger McKeon |
User's Guide LazyTerm, the main component of TerminoTrad, is meant to facilitate the consultation of a number of monolingual, bilingual or multilingual dictionaries on line by letting the user enter only once the term to be defined, translated or synonymized, which is then done by clicking the buttons pointing to the various sources of interest.... View more
A Dictionary of Religious Terms
Dr. Abdullah Abu-Eshy AI-Maliki and Dr. Abdul-Latif Sheikh-Ibrahim |
هذا الملف يحتوي على أغلب الكلمات والعبارات والمصطلحات التي يمكن أن يستخدمها الداعية باللغة الإنجليزية وما يقابلها مع الشرح باللغة العربية، وهذا القاموس عبارة عن شرح مصطلحات الإسلام بأسلوب سهل وممتع...
A Dictionary of Translation Technology is a comprehensive reference book that covers the major conceptsand terms in translation studies (TS) and computer translation (CAT and MT).
In the spirit of international understanding and cooperation among guitarists I am seeking to compile a translation list for all languages for parts of the guitar. There is very little in the official translation books or elsewhere for these terms. Not even in those big Web translation programs. It may not be important to the rest of the world, bu... View more
Arabic Military Dictionary
By Ernest Kay, Multi-lingual International Publishers |
Coverage includes the vocabulary used in armed conflict in the field or when serving in a peace-keeping force, supplying arms and equipment, and in the planning and teaching of military strategy.
France: Glossary – French Property Terms
Copyright Buy Associates Ltd |
Very useful glossary. Please note that This is just a small sample of the content that BuyAssociation has available on this topic. To access the whole document, you have to create an account.
Music Dictionary Online's primary purpose is, in the case of non-English words and phrases, to offer translations and, more generally, and where appropriate, to offer explanations and comments about general (non-musical) and specialist (i.e. musical, etc.) terms that might be found in musical scores, books on music, web sites, CD notes, concert pro... View more
Arabic Business Dictionary
Morry Sofer, Adnane Ettaybi |
Up-to-date business terms including banking, the internet, computers, accounting, insurance, real estate, taxes, and more, designed to facilitate communication and cross linguistic barriers. 172 pages, most of which are viewable on Google Books.
The site is in German. Click the links under "Inhalt" to get to the dictionary pages.
Udgiverselskabet Informationsordbogen |
Definitioner af over 2500 fagudtryk, som har med biblioteker, søgning og formidling af information at gøre. (Definitions of more than 2500 technical terms dealing with libraries, searching, and presenting information).
English>French, French>English tourism glossary "To make available to researchers the contents analysis through a thesaurus of 1,400 key-words (see below) and a geographical index (see below) concerning world-wide tourism and travel research through access (up to date) to 138,905 articles, documents, books that CIRET has read systematically for th... View more
Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
CoOL / Matt T. Roberts and Don Etherington |
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology by CoOL (Conservation Online). It uses WAIS indexing to provide a 'Word' index. That is, every word in the dictionary, both terms and definitions, are indexed. Contains color plates and drawings by Margaret R. Brown.
French-English Food Dictionary
Provence Beyond |
The line-item content of our Beyond Food Dictionaries has been gathered from a varity of sources over the years, including printed Provencal dictionaries, printed French cookbooks, and word of mouth from our French neighbors and friends, and discussions in restaurants and cafés. Where descriptions are more than a simple translation, the descriptive... View more
English-French Food Dictionary
Provence Beyond |
The line-item content of our Beyond Food Dictionaries has been gathered from a varity of sources over the years, including printed Provencal dictionaries, printed French cookbooks, and word of mouth from our French neighbors and friends, and discussions in restaurants and cafés. Where descriptions are more than a simple translation, the descriptive... View more
Glossary of Acronyms of TCP/IP protocols
A.B.Forouzan, McGraw-Hill Companies copyright |
Glossario di acronimi con terminologia inglese/italiano e definizioni in italiano estratto dal volume "I protocolli TCP/IP" di B.A. Forouzan, professore presso il De Anza College, California. Glossary of acronyms with English/Italian terminology and Italian definitions, as found in the Italian edition of the manual "The TCP/IP protocols" by B.A... View more
Networking security and encryption
B. Forouzan, The McGrawHill Companies copyright |
Vasto glossario con terminologia inglese/italiano e definizioni in italiano estratto dal volume "I protocolli IPC/IP" di B.A. Forouzan, professore presso il De Anza College, California. Extensive glossary with English/Italian terminology and Italian definitions, as found in the Italian edition of the manual "The IPC/IP protocols" by B.A. Forouz... View more
Englesko-Hrvatski strukovni riječnik-Graditeljstva
Dragomir Kovacevic |
Fakultet graditeljstva Rijeka, Hrvatska/Building Engineering Faculty, Rijeka, Croatia
Multidisciplinary Design Project Engineering Dictionary
Cambridge-MIT Institute |
This dictionary/glossary has not been developed as a definative work but as a useful reference book for engineering students to search when looking for the meaning of a word/phrase. It has been compiled from a number of existing glossaries together with a number of local additions.
Presented as a downloadable PDF file.
Biology Glossary
EverythingBio |
This glossary contains an extensive collection of definitions in the following fields: anatomy, biochemistry, cell biology, developmental biology, ecology, genetics, immunology, and molecular biology. The alphabetical index is easy to use. Click on a letter to get a complete list of every word starting with that letter. You can use a search box as ... View more
Vocabulaire théologique roumain-français
Lucretia Vasilescu |
Petit vocabulaire théologique roumain-français
� Teodor Flonta, 1995 |
This site contais a huge database of equivalent proverbs in English and Romanian, it provides a good insight into these two cultures and it's very useful.
Material Culture of Religion Glossary
The Polis Center |
A list of terms and definitions useful in describing religious spaces, temporal or spiritual with a glossary of key religious terminology, religious symbols etc. adapted from a variety of sources. Prepared by the Project on Religion and Urban Culture at The Polis Center, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. 1. The First Section in... View more
Cookbooks take it for granted that the terms they use are understood by everyone. This can be frustrating for beginners and some experts alike. Small glossary of some common cooking terms.
Glossary of terms used in phillumeny
British Matchbox Label and Booklet Society |
PHILLUMENY is the hobby of PHILLUMENISTS. Phillumenists collect matchbox labels, skillets, matchboxes, matchbook covers, matchbooks, and other forms of match packaging as well as match strikers, match holders, matchbox holders and matchbook holders. (See our Glossary). Many phillumenists are interested in other aspects of the match industry and ma... View more
����� �����
Mohammed Ahmed Alswaidi |
This is a site offering a large number of Arabic monolingual dictionaries. It also provides books and forums for books discussions.
The Publishers Association, UK 1997 |
Glossary for publishers
Mr. Honeys Large Business Dictionary
Globusz Publishing |
e-book, interesting and fun
Le but de ce glossaire est de vous aider dans la description des livres
My Poker Dictionary
Serious Poker |
various resources for poker players, including an extensive dictionary, FAQs and tutorials, directions for buying books online, images, articles
There are currently over 400 words in the Economic Glossary. The links beside each bullet point will take you to a resource on that topic. So "Money, Value of" will take you to an article detailing where money gets its value. A number of free online economics textbooks that will help you ace your economics tests and help you better understand how t... View more
a short glossary for beginnners
Glossary of Shipbuilding terms
Naval Historical Center web page |
First compiled when I became frustrated while reading magazine articles, help wanted ads and equipment for sale brochures....all pertaining to computers....where the following Abbreviations and Acronyms were used and their meanings were either not known to me or were not immediately available. I have actually seen (or have been told about) th... View more