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فرنسي إلى عربي

omar triki
Translation, MTPE, Transcription

Montreal, Quebec, كندا
الوقت المحلي : 19:53 EST (GMT-5)

اللغة الأم :عربي Native in عربي, فرنسي Native in فرنسي
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Mar 15, 2021 (posted via ProZ.com):  Just finished an interesting translation of the History of violence in islamist groups from Arabic to English ...more, + 1 other entry »
Total word count: 0

نوع الحساب مترجم تحريري حر و/ أو مترجم فوري حر
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خدمات مُقَدَّمة Software localization, Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Transcription, MT post-editing
متخصص في:
فن العمارةالهندسة عموماً
الطب العامالاقتصاد
علم الأحياء- التكنولوجي و الكيميائي و المجهريبراءات الاختراع
الفن، الفنون، الحرف اليدوية، الرسمالأقمشة \ الملابس \ الأزياء
عام \ محادثات \ تحيات \ خطاباتالطب: الرعاية الصحية

Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations

أنشطة كدوز (PRO) الأسئلة المُجابة: 1, الأسئلة المطروحة: 1
Payment methods accepted حوالة مالية | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
حافظة نماذج من النصوص المُترجمة: 1
الخبرة سنوات الخبرة في الترجمة: 17. مسجل في بروز.كوم:Sep 2011
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
أوراق اعتماد N/A
العضوية N/A
برمجيات Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, sketch up, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Smartling, Subtitle Edit, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTRF Translation Management System
CV/Resume CV available upon request
ممارسات مهنية omar triki يصادق على ProZ.com's إرشادات احترافية.
I'm a Tunisian architect and translator ( mother tongues : Arabic and French; Fluent in Italian and English), I'm graduated from several universities and institutes (La Sapienza, Rome 2010 "Master degree in Architecture for Health, National School of Architecture, Tunis 2009 "Architect and Urbanist", Bourguiba School,Tunis 2007, "Portuguese and Japanese Language Certificates, Goethe Institute, Tunis 2005 "Grundstuffe in German" and I'm currently studying Swedish) and I have a large experience as a translator and interpreter in all these languages and 3 months in telemarketing in French (for Bell Canada, Tunis) in addition of a large experience in subtitling with many companies (SferaStudios since 2012, Rosetta Translations since 2013).

I also have a background in clinical/medical translations that started in 2012 with some prestigious agencies:
- Rosetta Translations: medical transcription (French and Arabic to English for research magazines, 2012-2014), medical reports (50 pages, En>Fr, 2017).
- Medical and pharmaceutics questionnaires translations and interviews (RWS Life Sciences, En>Fr (Tunisia), 2017-Present).
- Pharmaceutical Patents translation (En>Fr, 48.000 words, John Huges agency).
- Patents: Biology: 100,000 words (En<>Fr; 2016-2020; John Huges)
- Several small volume translations for various agencies (2012-Present).
Gaming, gambling and casinos related translations is another part of my work, especially in the last 2 years with Caisnoenligne.fr, Mugen, Lionbridge, iContentGaming.
I was based in Stockholm and working as a translator and transcriber for a Swedish NGO (MENA Group), I translated since over 10 million word from English and Italian to French and Arabic in different fields in addition to a large number of proofreading, MTPE, Transcription and subtitling projects for numerous companies (Hiventy, LionBridge, Rosetta, Content iGaming, AliExpress, Dynamic Inc, LangPros,...).
كلمات مفتاحية: Arabic, French, Portuguese, Italian, English, Transcription, Translation, MTPE, Trados, Subtitling. See more.Arabic, French, Portuguese, Italian, English, Transcription, Translation, MTPE, Trados, Subtitling, Proofreading, Architecture, Engineering, Software, Patents, Medical, Finance, Tourism. See less.