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inikâs traduction - Caroline Riera-Darsalia
accuracy and reliability

Grenoble, Rhone-Alpes, فرنسا
الوقت المحلي : 17:11 CET (GMT+1)

اللغة الأم :فرنسي 
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2 positive reviews
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Total: 2 entries
رسالة المستخدم
Turkish, German, Georgian > French, and more...
نوع الحساب مترجم حر ومتعاقد خارجي, Identity Verified مستخدم تم تأكيد شخصيته
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خدمات مُقَدَّمة Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Transcription, Training, Project management
متخصص في:
حكومي \علم السياسةالفضاء الجوي \ الملاحة الجوية \ الفضاء
القانون: العقودالمعدات الطبية
القانون عموماًالتاريخ
الموسيقىالطب: الرعاية الصحية
الصناعةالعلوم الاجتماعية، علم الاجتماع، الأخلاقيات، إلخ

تركي إلى فرنسي-التعرفة:0.14-0.25 EUR للكلمة/35-80EUR للساعة
ألماني إلى فرنسي-التعرفة:0.11-0.25 EUR للكلمة/35-80EUR للساعة
جيورجي إلى فرنسي-التعرفة:0.14-0.25 EUR للكلمة/35-80EUR للساعة
آزربيدجاني إلى فرنسي-التعرفة:0.14-0.25 EUR للكلمة/35-80EUR للساعة
إيطالي إلى فرنسي-التعرفة:0.10-0.25 EUR للكلمة/35-80EUR للساعة

All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
أنشطة كدوز (PRO) نقاط مستوى المحترفين: 31, الأسئلة المُجابة: 14, الأسئلة المطروحة: 2
سجل المشاريع الماضية 1 المشاريع المُدْخَله    1 رأيٌ إيجابي من المتعاقدين الخارجيين

Payment methods accepted حوالة مصرفية, شيك, Cash (for individuals)
Company size 4-9 employees
Currencies accepted Swiss francs (chf), Euro (eur), Pounds sterling (gbp), Turkish Lira (try), U. S. dollars (usd)
حافظة نماذج من النصوص المُترجمة: 12
مسارد Abbreviations, Aeronautics: helicopter / ვერტმფრენი, Botanic, gastronomy, Construction / Civil Engineering, Economics, Engineering, History, Art, Insurance, Law, Medical

Standards / Certification(s) EN 15038, Notary Approved
مؤهلات في الترجمة Master's degree
الخبرة سنوات الخبرة في الترجمة: 25. مسجل في بروز.كوم:Sep 2007
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
أوراق اعتماد آزربيدجاني إلى فرنسي (J. Gutenberg - Universität, Mainz, Germany)
فرنسي إلى ألماني (J. Gutenberg - Universität, Mainz, Germany)
تركي إلى فرنسي (J. Gutenberg - Universität, Mainz, Germany)
ألماني إلى فرنسي (J. Gutenberg - Universität, Mainz, Germany)
إيطالي إلى فرنسي (J. Gutenberg - Universität, Mainz, Germany)

العضوية SFT
الفِرَقFrance - "Route de la Soie", inikâs traduction, TURKISH is TARGET
برمجيات Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Belle-Nuit (subtitling), FfmpegX (video / DVD editing), File Maker Pro, iWork suite, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
الموقع الإلكتروني http://www.inikas-traduction.com
ممارسات مهنية inikâs traduction يصادق على ProZ.com's إرشادات احترافية (v1.1).
Bonjour - Merhaba - مرحبا - Hallo - გამარჯობათ - Buongiorno - Səlam - ¡ Hola !

My name is Caroline RIERA-DARSALIA. I work as a full time translator and liaison interpreter, and since 2011 as a team manager as well (see below: information about inikâs traduction). I'm a native speaker of French, I studied and worked for about 10 years in Germany, with long and regular stays in Turkey and the Caucasus. During this period, I have acquired a deep knowledge of the languages and cultures of these areas.

I graduated in Turkish, German and Romance linguistics from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz / Germany ("Magister Artium in Turkologie, Deutsche Philologie, Romanische Philologie - Italienisch" / Master of arts in Turkish Studies, German Studies and Italian Studies - 2006).

Later, after having settled back in France, I decided to pursue further education as law specialized translator at the Faculty of Law, Jean Moulin - Lyon III University / France ("D.U. de traducteur interprète juridique" / Postgraduate certificate in legal translation and interpreting - 2012).

My active language pairs:
° written translations: Turkish, German, Georgian, Azerbaijani, Italian > French
° interpreting (consecutive, whispered): Turkish, German, Georgian, Italian < > French

I worked from 2007 to 2009 as an in-house translator and interpreter (consecutive, whispered) at a local non profit organization, and then as a freelancer from 2009 to 2011. My microenterprise, inikâs traduction, has become a cooperative translation office, run by 5 translators interpreters.

Located in Grenoble, inikâs traduction is specializing in Turkish and Arabic, in languages of the Caucasus such as Georgian and Azerbaijani, as well as in several Western European languages (German, Spanish, Italian).
We are 5 permanent translators with a constant network of reliable colleagues. Since some of us have a legal education background, one of our main working areas is legal translation, but we also specialize in technical fields, such as medical devices and aeronautics (helicopters). We often work in other technical fields as well, and we also feel very comfortable with topics like music, cinema, media, politics or tourism.

More information about me:
° my presentation in the SFT directory (Société Française des Traducteurs / French Translators' Society)
° my short biography on our company web site (French)
° my profile on Twitter

inikâs traduction on the web and in social media:

Web site: http://www.inikas-traduction.com

Blog on WordPress: http://inikastraduction.wordpress.com/

Page on Facebook: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/inikastraductionsarl

Common office profile and profiles of our team members on ProZ.com:
inikâs traductionSercan GençCafer IsikKhaled SatourSilvia Blanco Corral

كلمات مفتاحية: French native, Turkish, German, French, Arabic, Georgian, Italian, Turkish to French, German to French, French to German. See more.French native, Turkish, German, French, Arabic, Georgian, Italian, Turkish to French, German to French, French to German, Grenoble, Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France, traduction juridique, traduction médicale, traduction technique, interpretation, interpretation de liaison, interpretation chuchotée, interpretation consécutive, droit, interpretating, liaison interpreting, whispered interpretating, consecutive interpretating, interpretazione sussurrata, interpretazione consecutiva, interpretazione trattativa, traduzione italiano francese, diritto, aeronautica, materiale medico, arte, turco, arabo, tedesco, georgiano, spagnolo, Überseztung, Dolmetschen, Konsekutivdolmetschen, Flüsterdolmetschen, Verhandlungsdolmetschen, Recht, medizinisches Material, Aeronautik Hubschrauber, Kunstgeschichte, Film, Musik, legal translator, legal translators, legal Turkish French translation, legal French Turkish translation, legal German French translation, legal French German translation, subtitling, video editing, technique, médical, musicologie, histoire, cinéma, médias, sciences humaines, automobile, cinéma et audiovisuel, construction, domaine juridique public et privé, histoire, ingénierie, informatique, mécanique industrielle, médecine et matériel médical, médias, musique, promotion artistique, techniques d’industrialisation, tourisme, actes de procédure, actes d’état-civil, actes notariés, bilans et formulaires pour déclarations fiscales, brochures promotionnelles, caractéristiques techniques, cahiers des charges, contrats, muséographie, dossiers de candidature pour appels d’offre, jugements, notices et modes d’emploi, permis de conduire, logiciels, newsletters, projets artistiques, rapports médicaux, reportages, revues de presse, scénarios, sites web, sous-titres, sous-titrage, aéronautique, interprétariat aéronautique, hélicoptères, aviation, mécanique, avionique, .doc, .docx, .odt, .xml, .rtf, .txt, .xls, .xlsx, .numbers, .pdf), TAO, CAT, .sdlxliff, .sdlproj, .sdlxppx, .sdltm, .itd, .mdb, .pages, .htm, .html, .mo, .pot, formats audio et vidéo, Trados 2007, Trados 2009, traducteur turc, traducteur allemand, traducteur italien, traducteur géorgien, allemand, français, géorgien, turc, italien, langue turque, langues turciques, Turkic Languages, Caucasus, Law, Technology, Medical, Marketing, Music, Art, Cultural Management, Caucase, Türkçe, Fransızca, Fransızca tercümanı, tercümanlık, mütercim, Fransa, hukuk, tıp, tıp cihazları, teknik, müzik, sanat, kültür, havacılık, helikopter, avionik, mekanik, uçuş, helicopter, aeronautical translation, aeronautical interpreting, aeronautics, avionics, mechanics, ქართული ფრანგული, ფრანგულის თარჯიმანი, მთარგმნელი, თარგმნა, საფრანგეთი, ტეკნიკური თარგმნა, ავიაცია, ვერტფრენი, იურიდიული თარგმნა, მუსიკა, ხელოვნება. See less.

آخر تحديث للصفحة الشخصية
Oct 12, 2014