We're accustomed to glamour in London SE26: Kelly Brook and Jason Statham used to live above the dentist. But when Anouska Hempel's heels hit the cracked cement of the parking space outside my flat, it's hard not to think of those Picture Post photographs of royalty visiting bombed-out families during the second world war. Her mission in my modest tract of suburbia is, however, about more than offering sympathy. Hempel—the woman who invented the boutique hotel before it bore any such proprietary name—has come to give me information for which, judging by the spreads in interiors magazines and anxious postings on online DIY forums, half the property-owners in the Western world seem desperate: how to give an ordinary home the look and the vibe of a five-star, £750-a-night hotel suite. To Hempelise, in this case, a modest conversion flat formed from the middle slice of a three-storey Victorian semi.
"You could do it," she says, casting an eye around my kitchen. "Anyone could do it. Absolutely no reason why not. But there has to be continuity between the rooms. A single idea must be followed through." She looks out wistfully over the fire escape. "And you'd have to buy the house next door, of course." That's a joke. I think.
It's worth pausing, though, to consider the oddness of this impulse. The hotel room is an amnesiac space. We would be troubled if it bore any sign of a previous occupant, particularly as many of us go to hotels in order to do things we would not do at home. We expect a hotel room to be cleaned as thoroughly as if a corpse had just been hauled from the bed. (In some cases, this will actually have happened.) The domestic interior embodies the opposite idea: it is a repository of memories. The story of its inhabitants ought to be there in the photos on the mantelpiece, the pictures on the wall, the books on the shelves. If hotel rooms were people, they would be smiling lobotomy patients or plausible psychopaths. | 我们对伦敦SE26区迷人的贵气并不陌生:过往Kelly Brook和Jason Statham曾住在牙医事务所的楼上。但当Anouska Hempel的脚跟,踩著寓所外停车位的破裂水泥块时,不其然便想起在第二次世界大战期间,刊登在Picture Post新闻画报上,皇室成员去慰问被炸至无家可归家庭的照片。身处在我这个颇为宽敞的近郊,她登门造访的目的,当然不只是驱寒送暖而已。Hempel – 是一名首创精品小旅店的女士,在此之前,业內还未用她的名字,作为這种旅馆的叫法 - 已主动前來,給我有关资料,从室內设计杂志广传的讯息,和在网上DIY自己动手干论坛热切的发帖中判断,在西方世界半数的业主,似乎都喝望取经:如何把一个普通的家居,转变成有五星级酒店格局及声价的套房,还可收取 £750英镑一晚的房租。要进行Hempel化,在这种情況下,切开一幢三层高维多利亞式、大小适中的半独立楼房,把中層改装就是。 她说∶“你是可以办得到的。”眼睛同时就紧钉住厨房的周围。“任何人都可以办得到。絕对看不出有什麼原因是不能办到。但房间与房间当中,必须要有連贯性。有构想就一定要貫切始终。”她特意地朝着紧急逃生的防火梯外望。 “你当然更要把隔壁的房子买下来。”我认为她是在说说笑而已。 ... 虽然这是一股古怪的冲动,但真的值得停一停、想一想。旅馆客房就好象是一个失去了记忆的空间。如还有前面租客遺留下来的任何痕迹,真的是自找麻烦了,特別是很多人入住旅馆的目的,就是为了干在家中不能干的事情。我们预料一间旅馆客房,是要切底的干淨清洁,就好象抬走床上的尸体一样,不留半点蛛丝马迹。 ( 在某些情況下,这实际上是发生过的。) 家居的內部设计,是与记忆中的旅馆房间所蕴藏的概念是恰恰相反。在壁炉架上要有旅客故事的照片,墙上要掛画,图书是整齐地放在书架上。倘若旅馆客房是如人一样,就要象腦叶动过手术的患者,老是笑脸迎人,或是精神錯乱病者,说话表面上是头头是道。