عضو منذ Jun '16

اللغات التي تعمل بها:
أنجليزي إلى عربي

Yosra Montasser
Translation is a Journey I take Everyday

Giza, Al Jizah, مصر
الوقت المحلي : 13:22 EET (GMT+2)

اللغة الأم :عربي Native in عربي, أنجليزي Native in أنجليزي
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Mar 10, 2022 (posted via ProZ.com):  Just Finished Translating an IT website from English into Arabic ...more, + 20 other entries »
Total word count: 26798

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Welcome to My Profile!

This is Yosra Montasser. I’m a native
speaker of Arabic with ten years of solid experience as an
English>Arabic translator.

I graduated from the faculty of Al-Alsun, English
department in 2010. Immediately after that, I worked in a publishing company
where I translated books and learned that precision, attention to detail, and
accuracy is a must.

After that, I worked in a company working in the field of
Foreign Exchange Market. I learned there to work under pressure & translate
news from English into Arabic in the Fxstreet site in less than 12 minutes and
translate news from English into Arabic in the MNI site in less than 5 minutes
while maintaining a good understanding of the English text & translating it
into Arabic without committing any grammatical or spelling mistakes.

worked in the translation department in the Yellow Pages Company. There I was
exposed to hundreds and hundreds of company profiles, brochures, marketing
campaigns, restaurant' menus, the hotel offers that needed translation whether
from English into Arabic or vice verse.

I always seek to improve myself. I have
taken several classes in the Translation Diploma at AUC including Linguistics,
Lexicography & Terminology, Arabic Grammar, Arabic Editing, Research Tools,
Economic Translation & Legal Translation.

Besides my full-time jobs, I have
worked as a freelance translator. Among my clients were USAID, Safe
Space, ArabEasy, Aplus Translations, Theloc Masters, Le Service International de Traduction,...etc

Key Achievements

  • Won the competition of translating Yellow Pages’ Logo "Over 300,000 Business Across Egypt at your Fingertips" into Arabic: أكثر من 300،000 شركة في مصر بين ايديك""

·         Very fast at typing in English: 61 WPM. Arabic: 54 WPM.


Book Translations (250 + K Words)

Translated from cover to cover a book called “Seven Steps to Mastering Business Analysis” into Arabic.


Economics & Foreign Exchange Market (1,000,000 Words)

 Translated from English into Arabic FXstreet.com news in less than 10 minutes & MNI news in less than 5 minutes.


Marketing & Advertising (740 K Words)

Translated from Arabic into English & English into Arabic hundreds & hundreds of company profiles, brochures, restaurant menus, marketing campaigns, advertisements, hotels’ offers, restaurants’ offers, etc


Education (20 K Words)

Translated from English into Arabic Educational Books in Physics, Chemistry,..etc


E-Commerce (40 K+ Words)

Translated from English into Arabic names of products at noon.com and Alibaba.com


Human Resources (500 K+ Words)

Translated HR Courses, Brochures, and Workbooks from English into Arabic and Vice Versa

Website Translations (70 K+ Words)

Was part of a translation team to translate websites such as Flowserve.com; Acquadiparma.com; Prettylittlething.com

SDL_web_I_work_with_Trados_badge_250x170 English to Arabic volunteer translator

English to Arabic volunteer translator

أحرز هذا المستخدم نقاط كودوز بمساعدته لمترجمين آخرين بمصطلحات من المستوى الاحترافي. أُنقر على مجموع/مجاميع النقط لترى ترجمات المصطلحات المتوفرة.

إجمالي النقاط التي أحرزت: 792
نقاط المستوى الاحترافي: 780

اللغات البارزة (احترافي)
أنجليزي إلى عربي768
عربي إلى أنجليزي12
المجالات العامّة البارزة (احترافي)
القانون/براءات الاختراع67
العلوم الاجتماعية49
النقاط في 4 مجالات آخرى >
مجالات التخصص البارزة (احترافي)
عام \ محادثات \ تحيات \ خطابات200
العلوم المالية عموماً74
القانون عموماً59
حكومي \علم السياسة32
الأعمال\التجارة عموما28
الطب: الرعاية الصحية28
النقاط في 37 مجالات آخرى >

إطلع على كل النقاط التي أحرزتها >
كلمات مفتاحية: English, Arabic, Economics, Tourism, Travel, Stocks, Media, Journalism, Translation, Marketing. See more.English, Arabic, Economics, Tourism, Travel, Stocks, Media, Journalism, Translation, Marketing, Business (general), Editing, Human Resources, E-Commerce, Trados, CAT tools, Finance, Currencies, Markets, Commodities, Books, Information Technology, Education, Medical, Marketing, Technical, Fashion, Textile, Fashion website translation, Localization specialist. See less.

آخر تحديث للصفحة الشخصية
Nov 29, 2024

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