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بلغاري إلى تركي دانماركي إلى تركي هولندي إلى تركي يوناني إلى تركي إيطالي إلى تركي ياباني إلى تركي نرويجي إلى تركي فارسي إلى تركي بولندي إلى تركي برتغالي إلى تركي روماني إلى تركي روسي إلى تركي سويدي إلى تركي إسباني إلى تركي اوكراني إلى تركي تركي إلى اوكراني تركي إلى روسي تركي إلى روماني تركي إلى عربي تركي إلى بلغاري تركي إلى فارسي
Apr 23, 2020 (posted Just finished several Power of attorneys, articles of incorporation and corporate registration documents Turkish to English certified translation for a Turkish company to start a subsidiary in the overseas, 11.000 words. ...more »
القانون: براءات الاختراع، العلامات التجارية، حقوق الملكية
القانون: الضرائب والجمارك
التسويق \ أبحاث التسويق
أنجليزي إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة تركي إلى أنجليزي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة ألماني إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة عربي إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة آزربيدجاني إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة
بلغاري إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة دانماركي إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة هولندي إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة يوناني إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة إيطالي إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة ياباني إلى تركي - Rates: 0.20 - 0.30 USD per character / 75 - 120 USD per hour نرويجي إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة فارسي إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة بولندي إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة برتغالي إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة روماني إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة روسي إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة سويدي إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة إسباني إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة اوكراني إلى تركي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة تركي إلى اوكراني-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة تركي إلى روسي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة تركي إلى روماني-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة تركي إلى عربي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة تركي إلى بلغاري-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة تركي إلى فارسي-التعرفة:0.20-0.30 USD للكلمة/75-120USD للساعة
Minimum charge(s): Minimum charge for translation in USD: 50.00 Minimum charge for interpreting in USD: 300.00 Minimum charge for operations management in USD: 1000.00
All accepted currencies
Euro (eur), Pounds sterling (gbp), Turkish Lira (try), U. S. dollars (usd)
لغة نص المصدر - تركي MADDE 6- Avukat üzerine aldığı işi haklı bir sebep olmaksızın takipten vazgeçtiği ve haklı bir sebep olmaksızın vekaletten istifa ettiğinde hiçbir ücret isteminde bulunamaz. Peşin aldığı ücret ve varsa sarf etmediği gider avansını ve müvekkilin verdiği belgeleri geri vermeye mecburdur.
Müvekkilin bu sözleşmenin akdinden sonra vekalet vermemesi, dosyanın geri alınması, avukatın yazılı izni alınmadan başka avukatların teşrik etmesi veya bir başka Avukata işini vermesi, istenen giderleri ödememesi, iddia ve savunma için gerekli bilgi, belge ve delilleri vermemesi, adreslerini değiştirdiği halde yeni adresini yazılı olarak bildirmeyip işin takibini bu suretle imkansız hale getirmesi, dava veya alacağın takibinden tamamen veya kısmen vazgeçmesi, karşı taraf ile sulh olması veya karşı tarafı ibra etmesi veya haklı bir sebep yokken Avukatı azletmesi gibi işin takip ve sonuçlandırılmasını her ne suretle olursa olsun engellediği durumlarda avukat sözleşmeyi haklı bir sebebe dayanarak bozabilir. Bu durumda sözleşmede belirtilen ücretin tamamı Avukatın ilk isteminde derhal ve bir defada ödenmesi gerekir.
ترجمة - أنجليزي ARTICLE 6- In case the Attorney gives up the job without any justifiable reason or if she resigns from representing the Client without any justifiable reason, she may not claim any fee. In such a case, the Attorney must return at once any undisbursed retainer advance and fees paid to her as well as any documents supplied to her by the Client.
The Attorney may justifiably terminate this agreement in cases the Client does not supply her with an official power of attorney; the Client takes the case folder back; the Client appoints other attorneys for the same job or assign the job to another attorney without asking for a written consent of the Attorney; the Client does not pay any requested expenses; the Client does not supply the Attorney any information, documents or evidence required for claims and defense; the Client does not inform the Attorney of his new address, in case his address changes, and therefore makes the pursuance of this job impossible; the Client partially or fully gives up his case or claims; or makes an amicable agreement with or absolves the opponent; the Client dismisses the Attorney without any justifiable reason; or the Client blocks the pursuance or completion of the job through his actions including but not limited to what is listed above. In such a case the agreed attorney’s fee will immediately and fully become due and payable at once.
أنجليزي إلى تركي: Contract
This Agreement may be executed in counterparts in order to provide each party hereto with a fully executed original hereof. In that this Agreement was prepared as a result of negotiation and mutual agreement between the parties hereto, neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof shall be construed against either party hereto as the party who prepared this Agreement or any such provision.
This Agreement reflects the complete understanding of the parties as of the date hereof and constitutes their entire agreement regarding the subject matter hereof, all prior negotiations, representations and statements having been merged herein. This Agreement may be amended only by a written amendment between the parties hereto.
Paragraphs herein contained marked “preamble” shall form an integral part of this Agreement and shall be binding on the parties hereto.
İşbu sözleşme, burada adı geçen tarafların her birine tam olarak ifa edilmiş bir orijinal temin edilmesi amacıyla suretler halinde imza altına alınabilir. İşbu sözleşme içeriği, burada adı geçen taraflar arasında karşılıklı müzakere ve mutabakat neticesinde hazırlanmış olup ne bu sözleşme ne de koşullarından herhangi biri bu sözleşmeyi ya da koşullarını hazırlamış olan taraflardan herhangi biri aleyhine yorumlanmayacaktır.
İşbu sözleşme, burada belirtilen tarih itibariyle tarafların eksiksiz olarak anlamış olduklarını yansıtmakta olup burada yer alan konu ve hususların ve buraya girilmiş olan ön müzakerelerin ve ibraz edilen bilgilerin ve beyanların bütünüyle kabul edilmiş olduğu anlamına gelir. İşbu sözleşme, sadece burada adı geçen taraflar arasında imza edilecek yazılı bir değişiklik protokolü vasıtasıyla değiştirilebilir.
“Giriş” ibaresi altında yer alan paragraflar, işbu sözleşmenin ayrılmaz bir bütününü teşkil edecek ve burada adı geçen taraflar üzerinde bağlayıcı olacaktır.
مؤهلات في الترجمة
Master's degree - University of Utah
سنوات الخبرة في الترجمة: 33. مسجل في بروز.كوم:Sep 2001 أصبح عضوا Jun 2002
أنجليزي إلى تركي (TR-Izmir 1st through 21st Notary Public Offices) أنجليزي إلى تركي (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) أنجليزي إلى تركي (Diploma)
Adobe Acrobat, DejaVu, Frontpage, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, Translation Center, Trados Studio
Linguistics & Translation Official sworn translator for Turkish/English since 1991. Operated a translation business in Izmir Turkey between 1992-1995 during which time translated thousands of pages in various subjects including medical, legal and business related materials. Also worked for the US based LDS translation department as a contracted translator between 1994-1998 and completed translation and language review of more than 25,000 pages of curriculum materials. I have been providing Turkish translation services to several US companies on contractual basis. Currently working as a consultant for an energy company and doing translations relevant to solar and wind energy plants, Hydroelectric Dam Construction, their feasibility reports and Environmental Impact Assessments from Turkish into English.