ما يعمل عليه المترجمون

شارك المعلومات حول ما تعمل عليه للترويج عملك والسماح بتتبع المشاريع مع مرور الوقت. ناقش هذه الميزة.

ما هي مشاريع الترجمة التي تعمل عليها الآن؟

نشر Katarzyna Popiel من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Subtitles for a local TV news programme. A medley of topics, lots of puns and pretty untranslatable jokes that have to be translated. This is fun!


I Do That

نشر Katarzyna Popiel من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

A book on the medieval history of Poland, a sociological research report and some advertising content – all at once. Variety is what I like about this job but the combination makes me think: am I going too far?


I Do That

نشر Katarzyna Popiel من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Just started on a huge batch of course materials for teachers: psychology of learning. Very interesting!


I Do That

نشر Katarzyna Popiel من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

New assignments pile up after some time off: first a recharge agreement, then a safety report for a cosmetic product, followed by new medical reports as a continuation of one of previous translations.


I Do That

نشر Katarzyna Popiel من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Just finished a series of medical reports for a malignant tumour case. Very urgent (10 pages to be finished within 6 hours) and very depressing :-(


I Do That