The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

بلغاري إلى أنجليزي الطب العام Translation Glossary

بلغاري term أنجليزي translation
НГС Носен и гърлен секрет = Nasal and throat swabs
Entered by: Andrei Vrabtchev
РП ease of respiratory/breathing movements
РР RR mesured blood pressure
РРС-Нректи proctosigmoidoscopy/sigmoidoscopy of the rectum
РСС prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC)
РСД Cardiac (Activity) Rhythm
Субкутанната тъкан бе препарирана The subcutaneous tssue was dissected
Статус пост резекционем ректи проптер карцинома ректи=Status post resectionem recti propter carcinoma recti (Status after) Surgery for rectal cancer
Статус пост ЛЛ S/P radiotherapy
СП VHD valvular heart disease
СПТ free fluid
САК subarachnoidal bleeding /hemorrhage/
СР отр. Sucusio renalis - negative
СУБМ Submandibular gland
Сед по Амбурже Ambourget urine sediment count
Т. Р. bladder & bowel
ТАП ваксина (тетаничен анатоксин) tetanus toxoid vaccine
ТР тревожна реакция anxiety reaction
ТС suicide attempt
Entered by: Silvina Gospodinova
ТИФНО Tiffeneau/ FEV1/FVC ratio
ТБС acetabulofemoral joint (hip joint)
ТЕП transendoscopic polypectomy
ТЕЛК Work Capability Assessment Commission/Committee/Tribunal
ТЛСМА Left middle cerebral artery territory
УПЛВ enlarged peripheral lymph nodes
Entered by: Yavor Popov
УЗП Ultrasound scan
УЛВ swollen lymph nodes
Entered by: Maria Dimitrova
Фрактура радии ин локо типико Fractura radii loco typico (FRLT)/fracture of the distal radius
ФО FH / family history
ФЕВ1 ФЕО1 - Форсиран експираторен обем за 1 секунда
ХА нива hydroaeric levels
ХАС-Хидроаерични сенки hydroaeric shadows
Entered by: Andrei Vrabtchev
ХДП hygienic-dietary recommendation/s
Entered by: Silvina Gospodinova
ХЕ (мерна единица?) Hounsfield Units (HU)
ЦСС централен съдов сноп
ЦВИ Central venous catheter
Четвърти излишен Odd Man Out Test (OMOT)
Entered by: Lyubka Stambolieva
ЧДББ incomplete right bundle branch block
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