The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

كرواتي إلى أنجليزي القانون: العقود Translation Glossary

كرواتي term أنجليزي translation
opterećen teretima encumbered
osiguranje naknade radnicima workers compensation insurance
Entered by: Dinap
Osiguranje odnosno ovršnost Ugovora Terms & Conditions for execution of Agreement/Contract
osobno uvjetovan otkaz personally conditioned dismissal
ostavinski predmet probate case
otpravak engrossment
Entered by: ipv
Ov.I. ovjera za uporabu u inozemstvu
ovjeriti potpis (kupoprodajnog ugovora) kod javnog bilježnika have a signature notarized (by a notary public)
ovlasti powers
ozbiljnost ponude seriousness of the offer
P r a v i l n i k o oznakama izvornosti i oznakama zemljopisnog podrijetla Ordinance on the Protection of Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications
Entered by: ipv
pažnja dobrog stručnjaka due professional care
pažnjom dobrog gospodarstvenika with the due (care and) diligence of a prudent businessman
Paritet /Inoforma Terms of Delivery / Foreign Company (Firm)
pitanje issued
požurnica rush note
podnositelj zahtjeva applicant
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
pok. late
Entered by: Milena Chkripeska
polaganje računa/polagati račune rendition of accounts/render accounts
porez na promet nekretnina (i prava) real property (and rights) transfer tax
Entered by: bonafide1313
posl. br. (poslovni broj) ref. no. (reference number)
poslovni subjekt commercial entity, business entity
poslovni udjel share in the company
poslovno uvjetovani otkaz notice due to business resons
postupak nabave javnim nadmetanjem procurement by tender
potvrda o uredno ispunjenim obvezama Certificate of Compliance
potvrda ovršnosti enforceability clause / enforcement clause
povjerenik (commission) agent
Pozicija / Nadzorna knjiga no. Position / Supervisory import book #
praktične nekretnine Practical Real Estate
prava i stvarna volja true [and real] intentions
pravo right
pravo služnosti puta right-of-way
pravomoćno okončan postupak trial finally disposed of
predmet kupoprodaje subject of the purchase and sale
predstavljanje i zastupanje to act for and on behalf of, acting for and on behalf of
predugovor za poslovno tehničku suradnju interim agreement on business and technical cooperation
pregled činjenica (arbitraža) statement of facts (arbitration)
prenositelj transferor
prenosivost koncesije transferability of concession
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