The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

هولندي إلى أنجليزي القانون: العقود Translation Glossary

هولندي term أنجليزي translation
OGD protocol opdrachgeverdienst protocol
omniumcontract full maintenance contract
Entered by: Baudewijn Pronk
onbelaste betaling at which payment can be effected free of taxes...
onder de gewone waarborgen subject to the usual guarantees
onder de levenden inter vivos
onder gelijktijdige ontheffing van de functie concurrently discharged from your current position
onderzetster pledg(e)or
ongeacht grondslag en/of titel for any reason; regardless of reason
Entered by: Michael Beijer
ongedaanmakingsverplichting obligation to undo, obligation to cancel, obligation to revoke, obligation to nullify
ongevorderd not subject to any claim by a local authority
ontbindende voorwaarde resolutive condition
ontslag op eigen verzoek resignation
ontslag van aansprakelijkheid release from responsibility/liability
Entered by: Luca Tutino
onverminderd de overige rechten without prejudice to the other rights
onverminderd het recht without prejudice to the right
op de afnemer te compenseren to recover (recoup) from the buyer (customer/purchaser)
op en met grond en aanhorigheden (...) and associated property/appurtenances
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
Opdracht Engagement / Object of the agreement
operationele serviceleasing operating service lease
opleveringsrapport condition report
oproeping tot vrijwaring adding third parties
opslagruimte met erf en ondergrond Storage space including the parcel of land on which it is built
Opstal buildings
opvolgend werkgeverschap calculating service anniversaries (previous employment does not count)
overlaters Owners, proprietors etc.
Pachtverbrekingsvergoeding Compensation for termination of lease
Entered by: Caroline Hartigan
partijbeding clause (agreed) between parties
Entered by: Michael Beijer
passeervergoeding bypass allowance
passeren execute
pensioenbasissalaris basic pensionable salary
Entered by: Neil Cross
Per periode krachtens opdracht laatstelijk geldende Charges are based on the client rate as per the most recently
persoonlijkheidsrechten moral rights
poortbriefje access permit
post ontvangkaart return receipt
Potovereenkomst pool agreement
premie van de machine breukverzekering -> machine breakage insurance premium ? machinery breakdown insurance
prestatiecontract Performance Contract
prijspeildatum price reference date
raam(werk)overeenkomst framework agreement
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