The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

روماني إلى أنجليزي الطب العام Translation Glossary

روماني term أنجليزي translation
GCS 15 Scor Glasgow 15
geografie abdominală abdominal scan
Entered by: Andrei Albu
glandele anexe Accesory Glands (of the Digestive System)
glanduliform glanduliform/ gland-like/ acorn-shaped
glaucom AO glaucoma in both eyes (BE)
glioza astrocitara reactiva de tip pilocitic pilocytic-type reactive astrocytic gliosis
globi cheratozici keratotic globes/globi
globi oculari pe linie mediană eyeballs on the midline
gonartroza gonarthrosis
grup adenopatic hipercaptant FDG adenopathic group with increased FDG uptake; FDG-avid adenopathic group
grupa NOS Not Otherwise Specified/ NOS group
grupe [lymph node] group/chain
grupuri epiteliale micromezofoliculare de timp compact groups/clusters of epithelial cells forming microfollicular structures of compact type
guşă goiter
hazardiform in a random manner/pattern/ randomly
HBF BPH, benign prostatic hypertrophy
Entered by: Ciprian Patrascu
Hbs Hepatitis B Surface
hematologie terapeutica de companie (campanie ) camp therapeutic hematology
hemicorp hemibody
Entered by: Andrei Albu
hemilaringe hemilarynx
hemipunte hemipons
hemiscrot hemiscrotum
hemoleucogramă full/complete blood count
Hemoragia subarahnoidiana Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Entered by: Lara Barnett
hepatomegaile hepatic/liver enlargement
hernangioendoteliom hemangioendothelioma
hernie de disc herniated disc
heterosemnal heterogenous signal
HHL, hemianopsie homolaterala homolateral hemianopsia
Entered by: Elizabeth Rudin
hife Candida spp. Candida spp. hyphae
Entered by: Ioana Costache
hil hilum
hipertrofie benigna de prostata BPH / Enlarged prostate
Entered by: Iulia Matei
hipocamp hippocampus
hipocaptant with low uptake
hipocenzie hypokinesis
hiposemnal neomogen inhomogeneous hyposignal
Entered by: Corina Cristea
hipotrofie ponderală malnutrition
histoarhitectonia oaselor structure of bone tissue
Entered by: liz askew
HN hydronephrosis
HSH HHS, hydrocortisone hemisuccinate
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