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إسباني إلى أنجليزي عام \ محادثات \ تحيات \ خطابات Translation Glossary

إسباني term أنجليزي translation
ante el triunfo de María at Maria\'s success
ante todo lo anteriormente expuesto in view of the above statements
ANTECEDENTES (in this context) recitals or background
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
Antepenúltimo / Penúltimo third to last / second to last
antes de la referida publicación before the release date/ before the official date of issue
antes muerto que bombardeado better safe than sorry
Entered by: Robert Rutledge
antiparabólico nonconformist [see discussion]
anular como persona undermine (another person\'s) sense of self-worth / self-esteem
apapachar to cuddle
apelando a todo evento a su magnanimidad y sindéresis appealing at any rate to your magnanimity and fairness
apertrecharse to prepare/regroup
apostar a más up the stakes
aprestamiento para el calculo basic calculation skills
aprobado por jurados externos approved by outside reviewers
aprovechando la ocasión para saludarles (see explanation)
aprovechando su próximo viaje por España (see context) on the occasion/during the course of his next visit
aprovechar take the opportunity/the chance
aprovechó para pedir los poderes totalitarios he took the opportunity to ask for totalitarian powers
apuesta commitment/effort/investment in
Entered by: liz askew
apuntador de Lotería bookie
Entered by: Steven Huddleston
aqui me valen I'm valued here
aqui se han organizado casas abiertas open houses have been organized here
araña walker
argentino Argentinian
argumento de perogrullo obvious (simplistic) argument
aro magnético induction loop
Arq. Adriana XXXXX Adriana XXXXX, Architect / architect
arquitectos de primera línea leading architects
arrastra a los parqués europeos leads the European floors (stock exchanges)
arrebato rockero a sudden burst of rock
arreglar todo a chingazos to settle differences/matters by "kicking ass"
Entered by: Marcelo González
arreones surge, thrust, boost, onslaught, attack
arrobar ping
Entered by: Justin Peterson
articulaciones transitions
artificios de agua y luces interplay of water and lights
artillería pesada bring out the heavy guns
así como de as well as
así le damos una solución integral thus giving an integrated, customized solution to our clients
asi como a mis intereses as it is in my interests (to do so)
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