The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

إسباني إلى أنجليزي علم طبقات الأرض Translation Glossary

إسباني term أنجليزي translation
coetános of the same age/even-aged/coetaneous
fase diastrófica Incaica Inca diastrophic phase
mas confinado of a more confined character
mira estadimétrica (stadimetric reticle) / stadia measuring telescope / stadi(a)metric telescope / stadi(a)metric rangefinder
ocurre muy escasa calcedonia radial y pequeña occurrence(s) of small, radial chalcedony is/are rare
PRESENCIA DEL GÉNERO HYPOLAGUS DICE 1917 (LAGOMORPHA, LEPORIDAE, ARCHAEOLAGINAE presence of Hypolagus, Dice 1917 (Lagomorpha, Leporidae, Archaeolaginae)
Entered by: liz askew
Rosas de oleaje wave roses
rumbos y buzamientos generales strikes and dips
"ampliar punzados" perforations
"BORRO" Borro
"dirección N 60 - 70ª W de doble movimiento, transcurrente normal strike, transcurrent (or strike slip) normal, double movement
"minas a rajo abierto " open pit mining/mines >> strip mining
"punta perdida" (in this context) lost cone
171,331 KgF, zinc 991,713 TMF, Kilogramos Finos (KGF) / zinc (FMT)
a escala 1/20.000 with/at a scale of 1:20,000
Entered by: Mara Ballarini
a banca llena bank-full
a manera de techos colgantes roofing
A partir del Triasico since the Triassic period
Entered by: patinba
a su paso in their wake
a techo at the top
abanicos de talud que prograda hacia una plataforma silicoclastica slope fans that prograde towards a silicoclastic platform
acarreos cuaternarios Quaternary deposits
acercamiento convergence
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
aceros de desgaste steels subject to abrasive wear ( also abrasion wear )
acuñarse to truncate
afaníticas con leve desarrollo de fenocristales de Plagioclasas y anfíboles aphanitic with minor development of plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts
Entered by: Ma. Fernanda Blesa
afloramientos Outcrops
afloran cuerpos irregulares de filitas there are abundant discontinuous bodies of phyllites
aguallueve aguallueve (refers to a specific place)
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
aguja (en este contexto) needle
alóctona y autóctona allochthonous and autochthonous
alcanzando potencias desde 0.10 hasta 0.90 m. reconocidas por 200 m de recorrido reach thickness from 0.10 to 0.90 m, and can be recognized over a 200 m distance
alcotana allocthonous
Entered by: Ryan Kelly
algo silicificadas y bien estratificadas somewhat silicified... clearly stratified
Entered by: Ma. Fernanda Blesa
algunas estructuras concentricas no efervecen. several/some concentric structures do not effervesce
Entered by: liz askew
Aloctono allochthonous
Alrededor de 50 Km2 del Banco de Máncora alcanzan la isóbata de 100m. About 50 Km2 of the B. de M. reach the 100 m isobath
alteración propilítica propylitic alteration
alteritas alterites
alto "Alto" /mountain/peak/elevation
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