The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

إسباني إلى أنجليزي علم طبقات الأرض Translation Glossary

إسباني term أنجليزي translation
alto estructural structural height
altos basamentales basement highs
altos estructurales y cubetas structural highs and basins
Entered by: liz askew
alumbramiento de aguas - aguas alumbradas Groundwater Extraction / Groundwater Extracted
amígdala amygdule (US) / amygdale (UK)
Entered by: Barbara L Pavlik
Ambiente de Sedimentacion Deposition setting
Entered by: Ma. Fernanda Blesa
ambiente deposicional del tipo continental posiblemente oxidante continental depositional environment/setting, possibly oxidizing
Entered by: Ma. Fernanda Blesa
ambos tamaños de cristales en similar proporcion both crystal sizes in similar proportion
Entered by: Steven Huddleston
amplificacions y atenuaciones amplifications and attenuations
ampollas blisters
análisis completo de riesgos somero full analysis of shallow geohazards
andenes terraces
andesítico andesitic
andesina maclada twin andesine
angulo reposo mineral angle of repose of the mineral
Entered by: liz askew
anhidrita anhydrite
Entered by: Andrés Martínez
anticlinales y sinclinales anticlines and synclines
aparato lambe PVC meter
aplanamiento leveling/altitude
aplita aplite
aporte inflow
Entered by: Soledad Caño
Aporte flux / influx / flow
apreciable fracturación visible fractures
Apreciable meteorizacion signs of weathering
Entered by: liz askew
arbustivo shrub-like
arcilitas claystone
arcillolita arcillite
arco magmático magmatic arc
arcosa Arkose
area ganada al rio land (area) reclaimed from the river
arena de miga miga sand
arena tosquiza arena tosquiza
areniscas conglomerádicas conglomeratic sandstone
areniscas fosilíferas fossiliferous sandstones
arenotobáceos tuffaceous sandy banks (or layers)
argilúvico argilluvic
argilita argillite
argilizacion argilization
arqueociatos Archaeocyathids
arquitectura del vaciado rock-cut architecture
Entered by: Marie Wilson
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