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إسباني إلى أنجليزي الموارد البشرية Translation Glossary

إسباني term أنجليزي translation
ayuda de ciudad special transportation allowance
ayudante de firma authorized assistant
Entered by: Alan Lambson
Ayudante General con Planta / Operador de Entrenamiento Permanent Employee / Training Provider
área integradora y multidisciplinaria multidisciplinary area (= section or department)
área laboral work skills
área terminal (non aviation-related) final subject area/specialization subject area
Entered by: Lina Villegas
índices de frequencia y gravedad (accident/injury) frequency and severity rates
¿De qué manera incide la actuación en los papeles individuales de género? What impact does the action have upon individual gender roles?
Entered by: Maria Elisa Manfrino
¿qué modalidad debe dar xxx a la asignación mensual? how should xxx characterize the monthly payment
“Puerta de entrada” stepping stone
Entered by: Sarah Weston
baja efectiva actual termination date
Entered by: EirTranslations
BAJA IT temporary incapacity leave
baja temporal temporary redundancy/lay-off
baja vegetativa natural wastage
baja voluntaria voluntary resignation
bajas cancellations/early cancellations
bajas previstas de MOM MOM > mano de obra mensual
Entered by: EirTranslations
bajo diversos mecanismos ways / mechanisms / system
banca personal retail banking / private banking
Banco Lic. Enf. Sick Leave Bank
banquillo people waiting to step up / reserve
Entered by: William Pairman
Baremo Benchmark
Entered by: David Ronder
basificacion made official (included in the base budget
baterias (de psicotecnicos) a set of psychotechnical tests
beneficios de C. C. collective agreement benefits
bien dimensionada en cuanto a efectivos ... and relatively well staffed..
bienestar laboral y capacitación employee wellbeing and training
bocetista graphic designer
bodeguero steward / pantry manager
boletas del sindicato union/trade union/labor union tickets/coupons
bolsa de horas hours bank
bolsa de horas overtime bank
bomba despachadora de gasolina fuel pump
bonificación del punto queda cifrada por punto Bonus points are listed by the number of points
Entered by: EirTranslations
Bono de Éxito Puntual Bonus for high performance
Bono de horas Extra time bonus
Bono por puntualidad bonus for punctuality/being on time
Bono por resultados performance bonus
Bono por Retención de Servicios Bonus for Retention of Services
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
bono vacacional vacation bonus
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