The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

إسباني إلى أنجليزي القانون: العقود Translation Glossary

إسباني term أنجليزي translation
con renuncia expresa al fuero que pudiera corresponderles... with express waiver of any other jurisdiction to which they might have recourse
estado de cargas y gravámenes state of charges and levies / taxes
acordar el destino futuro ... complete inventory of all property and assets provided and agree on their future disposal
acta notarial de junta notarial record of [board] meeting
ajuste o por tanto alzado lump sum or overall price
al afectar únicamente a los inversores. which should only affect the investors.....
ampliar el contrato de construcción a redefine/broaden the (construction) contract to include/encompass
Entered by: Marcelo González
con carácter complementario see answer
cuantas prestaciones se deriven de la Ley all benefits arising by Law
dan cobertura al alcance (that) cover the scope
Entered by: Edward Tully
de forma solidaria jointly and severally
de las penas en que incurren quienes declaran con falsedad, los comparecientes Upon having been informed of the punishments imposed upon those making false statements, Witnesses
disponga concertadamente it may possess in concert with
en beneficio de la nación to the government
en derecho de conformidad at law, pursuant to (or, in accordance with)
en su interpretación y aplicación obligará no solamente... in its interpretation and implementation the parties will be bound
englobe de dos lotes aggregation of two plots of land
gastos propios de las gestiones expenses incurred by etc.
habitacional residential
informacion posesoria Possessory Information
inmovilización freezing
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
inoperantes inoperative
interpuestas en beneficio de éstas acting on their behalf
Entered by: Edward Tully
justa causa de excusa just cause for disqualification
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
la escritura postpuesta a al hipoteca, ...will be guaranteed through an explicit defesance clause/condition subsequent/to be entered in the
Líder Gerencial del Programa Lead Project Manager OR Project Leader
les estamos devolviendo la mencionada comunicacion haciendoles presente que we are returning the referred to communication, informing you that
libró emplazamiento served notice of motion/application, seeking....
litsconsortes facultativos o coadyuvantes authorized joint litigators or formally assist as coadjutors
lo que en cada tipo de ellos de especifica set forth in each type of Agreement
los gastos que se ocasionen por razón de sus prórrogas expenses arising by reason of renewals
los precios sufrirán en incremento que como mínimo experimente el IPC prices will increase by at least the same rate as IPC (published inflation rate)
materiales de libre disposición materials that are readily available
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Nª 8ª Rule 8
ni se hará pasar por cualquiera de ellos nor shall it purport to be either of these companies
políticas de delegación policies of the delegation; delegational policies
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
posibilidad acomodaticia a margin/room for manoeuvre
presunta omisión alleged omission
pronto mayor creo que es un "typo": "monto" en lugar de "pronto" // amount
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