The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

تركي إلى أنجليزي التاريخ Translation Glossary

تركي term أنجليزي translation
akli değildir, naklidir not rational, but dogmatic
anacıl matriarchal
Entered by: Aziz Kural
apulet epaulette
Entered by: M van Heteren
Aralanıp aralarına aldılar Making room, they let her/him join amongst them.
Entered by: M van Heteren
Arus resmi Marriage contract fees
asarlar hang
Entered by: M van Heteren
Astakoz Astakos
Atatürk Köşesi (The) Atatürk Corner
ayrışma segregation/differentiation
Şahinşah Shahenshah
çıkışlı originated from..
Entered by: M van Heteren
İhramcı wearer of Ihram
öngerge motion/proposal
Entered by: M van Heteren
üç hat halinde in three files
Entered by: M van Heteren
“Hakimiyet Kayıtsız Şartsız Milletindir.” Sovereignty unconditionally and unrestrictedly belongs to the nation
Başmabeyinci üçünü head chamberlain escorted three of them to have an audience with Vahidettin
Entered by: M van Heteren
bani commissioned
beylerbeyi Grand Governor
beylik beylic
Bitinya Bithynia
cabbarlıkla vigorously
Entered by: M van Heteren
canfes taffeta
Darül kurra House for the readers of the Koran
döğüşür fights or fighting, depending on context
Entered by: M van Heteren
devlet-i âliye the sublime state/the eminent state
devletlerin size değil governments having respect not for you
Entered by: M van Heteren
Dizdar evi castellan's hut
Erkân-ı Harbiye-i Umumiye General Staff
fısıldandığını bilmedikleri leaked information
Entered by: M van Heteren
fon fund(s)
Frigya Phrygia
göç âdetini run off behaviour
Entered by: M van Heteren
gösteriş taarruzu show-off attack
Entered by: M van Heteren
gezdirici street hawker
Habur maskaralığı Habur farce/fiasco
hamurundandı of the material from which........made of
Entered by: M van Heteren
Hassa Avcıları Royal hunters/imperial hunters
içerilmek imposed on
Entered by: Aziz Kural
iftahar pride
Entered by: M van Heteren
kadardı was this much
Entered by: M van Heteren
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