ما يعمل عليه المترجمون

شارك المعلومات حول ما تعمل عليه للترويج عملك والسماح بتتبع المشاريع مع مرور الوقت. ناقش هذه الميزة.

ما هي مشاريع الترجمة التي تعمل عليها الآن؟

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Just finished translating a questionnaire. A short break and on to proofreading. :-)


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Some patient information on my desk. Not too much work just before Christmas, luckily. I can fully enjoy the special time of the year. :-)


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Now a small pdf updating task concerning compliance issues reporting. Cheerio!


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Now a short reconciliation task and soon is a lunch break.


1 userI Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Working on a short stock exchange project with a winter scenery behind the window :-)


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

I do a verification of a medical study translation (informal consent/assent forms). Have a good week ahead!


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Interesting project on the future of cities. I can't wait to learn what's on the next page. :-)


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Again to finishing/conditioning belts. Sometimes I grind to a halt when faced with a specialist term.


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Working on remanufacturing. It's a wonderful concept, isn't it?


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

I am working on a screwdriver from my power tools series. I need to drill for skill a little. :-)


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Translating o short text on computers and made a snowman during a break. :-) Enjoy the snow!


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Working on grinding. I am going to polish my translation as well. :-)


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

I'am tired of tyres and rubber tracks. Let's have some coffee!


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

I am deep down in a large automation project. Hush, please do not disturb. :-)


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Proofreading of a privacy policy (EN>PL), around 1800 words


I Do That

نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Ich habe gerade eine kurze Ergänzung zur Bedienungsanleitung eines Ladegerätes übersetzt - nur 387 Wörter.


I Do That

  • ألماني إلى بولندي
  • 387 كلمة
(تم التعديل)
نشر Piotr Fras من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Recently translated a text on a training scheme for sales representatives offered by an IT brand.


I Do That