ما يعمل عليه المترجمون

شارك المعلومات حول ما تعمل عليه للترويج عملك والسماح بتتبع المشاريع مع مرور الوقت. ناقش هذه الميزة.

ما هي مشاريع الترجمة التي تعمل عليها الآن؟

نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

A memoir about working as a desert ranger, a 200 slide PP on history and archaeology, editing academic papers for 3 clients...


I Do That

نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Finishing up an edit/proofreading of a 52-slide presentation on development in the periphery


1 userI Do That

نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Finishing up an edit/proofreading of a 52-slide presentation on development in the periphery


I Do That

نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Website translation for a construction contractor, translation and editing of a website for a marketing and branding expert, translated a ketuba (traditional Jewish marriage contract- though this one was very untraditional), powerpoint translation for an NGO


I Do That

نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Editing website content for a medical device startup, translating Hebrew-English end of year report for an NGO, work on company website translation. Handle 5 kids at home bc of lockdown.


I Do That

نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

A recruiting handbook for women in business, material for a meditation app, M.A. thesis editing, website re-writes for a wedding planner


I Do That

نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Finishing up editing website content for a TAT therapist, translated material for an Israeli NGO trying to boost industry aid to the unemployed, trying to make myself figure out LinkedIn (after already rejecting it a few times...)


I Do That

نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Recipe translations, product catalogue translations for an international fair, water birth website...


I Do That

نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Editing a doctoral dissertation of women's writing in Spain, for publication in the UK.


I Do That

نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

English-Hebrew translation of articles on the history and development of midwifery in the U.S.


I Do That

نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Translation of material for a project identifying and treating women at risk of PPD.


I Do That

نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com mobile ما يلي:

Translation of blog posts on real estate developments and legal issues for overseas investors.


I Do That

  • عبري إلى أنجليزي
  • 85% اكتمل
(تم التعديل)
نشر Juliana Brown من خلال ProZ.com mobile ما يلي:

Rewrites and edits of online essays for medical instrument blogs.


I Do That

  • إسباني إلى أنجليزي
  • Medical:Instruments
(تم التعديل)